"at my most beautiful
I count your eyelashes secretly.
with every one, whisper I love you.
I let you sleep.
I know you're closed eye watching me,
I thought I saw a smile."
I count your eyelashes secretly.
with every one, whisper I love you.
I let you sleep.
I know you're closed eye watching me,
I thought I saw a smile."
You all didn't REALLY think I'd delete them, did you? Seriously, I've got CD-R's holding the original Donovan family I started when I first got Sims 2. No, I decided (with a little input from Angelia); that's I'd done too much work so far to start over. Besides, it's not like Laurel brought all that much with her... she added exactly $2,437 to the bank account, and had two books in her inventory. I figured, one they have settled in, I'd introduce you all to Laurel, our hero's new wife.

Hey! I'm trying to watch TV here, but it's about time you showed up!
Uh.... wait, Laurel? You can hear Me?
You're darned right I can hear you! You're lucky I can't see you, touch you, or own a pair of steel-toed boots! Cause I'd probably wear them out, kicking you in the....
All right, I get the picture. Uh, how is it you can hear Me? None of My other female Sims have ever been able to hear Me unless I manifested to them.
It's amazing what can happen when a Sim suddenly becomes playable. I've done some reading since Brian told me what's been going on, what you've put him through so far - how you made him start from nothing, driving him to the point of Overwork... what kind of monster are you?
Hold it right there, missy. It was all part of the rules. Look around you. Look at this house which has grown bigger since you moved in. Look at that TV you're watching, and the bed you just spent your wedding night in. Look at that shiny wedding ring on your hand, that you're so happy with. All of that is here, because I guided your husband to earn it.

For the record, your husband has the Loner trait. He literally never would have introduced himself to you if I hadn't forced him to. He was uncomfortable, being In a Crowd, and I forced him to stay. If I hadn't, he would have gone back home, and you would might never have known what you missed. Now, may we continue?
* snort * I suppose.... I hope that now, you won't be as much of a slave driver to him. He tells me there's a good chance he'll get his last promotion soon. Something about a Lifetime Wish?
Right. Anyway, our readers are curious to know more about you, being the potential mother of this Legacy.
Well... let's see... you probably know everything Brian has told you about me. One thing, heh heh, he did learn just after our private wedding is that there are Massages, and then there are Amazing Massages. I seem to be capable of the latter.

Well, one thing my husband only found out recently, was I don't like being Outdoors. You could honestly say, I Hate it. I hope you're weren't planning on my gardening, or fishing, or anything like that.
Wow.... any idea what made you hate the outdoors so much?
I won't go into detail, but when I was a little girl, there was an accident with a flock of birds, a lawn sprinkler, an ice cream truck, and an exposed sewer line.
That's.... ouch. Yeah, I can see why you wouldn't go into detail.
To this day, I can't even go out for ice cream without getting really uncomfortable at the sight of chocolate sprinkles. Oh, Brian's coming.

"I certainly did, Mr. English." *smooch* "And, thank you for Cooking those Apple pancakes, they were delish."
"I'm glad you enjoyed them.... uh, why is the TV tuned to the Kidz Zone?"
"Uh... that's a good question... I don't even remember switching the channel.... uh, um... how fresh were those apple pancakes we ate?"
"They were fresh, my love. I just bought the apples the other day when I went shopping. Say, you all right? You look a little green around the gills...."
"I just suddenly feel.... urgh... excuse me!" * jump up * * dashes into the bathroom *

Yay, gen. 2 is on the way!
Ding-ding-ding-ding!! We have an heir/heiress on the way. Of course, what if it's twins? :O))
lets see... apple pancakes and the kids channel... I'm betting on twin boys
grats on gen 2
Oooh, I think you're gonna have your hands full with this one! *snickers* You're sounding a bit defensive there, Mr. Controller.
Yay for Amazing Massages! *claps*
Er, yeah, that doesn't sound like it would be a good outdoor experience. *shudders*
{singsong voice} Hahah, someone's shooting for twin boys! {/singsong}
wow - "Amazing" massages? That's one lucky sim! :D
lol - but it sounds like he won't be seeing fresh fish & veggies on the table any time soon. Woot - congrats on the soon-to-be bump!
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