I made a list of things to say
But all I really want to say
All I really want to say is
Hold her and keep him strong
While I'm away from here
Hold her and keep her strong
While I'm away from here
Well, that was a nice funeral. I've got to hand it to Laurel, even her funerals are a good time.
So I hear. I wish I could have been there.
Had to go for the easy joke there, didn't you? Usually death of a loved one isn't a humorous matter.
Oh, I agree. I found the whole experience quite jarring.
* facepalm * Urgh.... seriously, it was an.... "interesting" funeral.
I'll say. But then, it wouldn't have been my funeral if strange things didn't happen. Like Christopher, pouring his sorrow out to Rene Wilson, Alex's boss at the military base.
Wow, she's being very nice to him.... which is odd, considering she's Evil.
Very nice, indeed. Good thing his girlfriend Latricia was talking to Laurel at the time. Apparently she thought the whole business would make a good movie.
Hal, my old boss, even showed up despite his own advanced age. Latricia seems to be asking him how long before I come back as a ghost.
Don't even think about it. Playable ghosts are a no-no in Legacy challenges. Some good things did occur at your funeral, though.
Yeah, how about that?
In the midst of all the sorrow, my boy Alex actually managed to pull Shante, his girlfriend. aside into the study.
"Shante, I know this may not seem like quite the right time, but..."
"Alex? What are you doing? You're going to scuff your knee on the carpet! Those are your good dress pants!"
"Shante, ever since I've met you, I can't stop thinking of you. I love the Deep Conversations we have, and how you've always been able to understand me, ever since we were teenagers. Losing my father today, just reminded me how special, and yet how brief life can be...."
"Oh, you didn't lose him, sweetheart - he's out in the backyard in the new family graveyard."
"...and Shante Taft, you are the woman I want to experience my life with. I want to have you and all your Neat freak, Neurotic tendencies near me, for the rest of my life."
"I know you feel Unlucky, my love, but I would be the unlucky one if I let you get away. Shante, will you marry me?"
"Wait, what, you mean it? Seriously? You want me to be your wife? For ever and ever, through all my Freak Outs and obsessing about dripping faucets?"
"Yes, absolutely. Until Death do we part."
"Yes, yes! Of course I'll marry you, you big goof!"
"Oh my god! This ring, Alex, it's absolutely wonderful! Almost as wonderful as you!"
"Oh Shante, I can't believe how happy you've made me, on this very sad day."
"Oh, Alexander... I can't believe..... how much I have to pee right now."
Yep, my boy got engaged during my funeral. He must have known that's what I would have wanted.
Really? I'd have figured you'd want to be alive, and not buried in the back yard at the time.
Oh, who's the comedian now? Anyway, Shante actually moved in the next day. First thing she did was head to the dresser and the mirror to give herself a makeover. Here they are relaxing on my son's bed after they got her moved in.
What the.... are they both colorblind? Pink and orange?
Hot Pink and Orange - a mix of their two favorite colors.
This is going to be one interesting couple.
I think they'll do fine. Well, I guess it's about that time.
Is it? Oh yes, it is, I'm afraid. I just want to say, Sim-Me, that you've done a great job getting this Legacy started. You've got two fine sons to carry on your bloodline, and they both look to have a fine future in front of them. Hopefully it won't be long before you've got grandchildren to watch over.
Hopefully. I guess I'd better head out to that spot in the garden with my name on it. I'm not sure we'll be able to talk again, what with the rules on ghosts, but... two last things?
Name them.
First, thank you for guiding me as well as you did. It helped me think of my own Epitaph - "When Death came for Brian, he reflected on his good Life, and shook Death's hand."
Hey, wow, that's pretty good. And the last thing?
And that, was for almost deleting me fourteen chapters ago. Watch over my family, will you?
* wheeze * All.... *cough* right....
But all I really want to say
All I really want to say is
Hold her and keep him strong
While I'm away from here
Hold her and keep her strong
While I'm away from here
Well, that was a nice funeral. I've got to hand it to Laurel, even her funerals are a good time.
So I hear. I wish I could have been there.
Had to go for the easy joke there, didn't you? Usually death of a loved one isn't a humorous matter.
Oh, I agree. I found the whole experience quite jarring.

I'll say. But then, it wouldn't have been my funeral if strange things didn't happen. Like Christopher, pouring his sorrow out to Rene Wilson, Alex's boss at the military base.

Don't even think about it. Playable ghosts are a no-no in Legacy challenges. Some good things did occur at your funeral, though.
Yeah, how about that?

"Shante, I know this may not seem like quite the right time, but..."
"Alex? What are you doing? You're going to scuff your knee on the carpet! Those are your good dress pants!"
"Shante, ever since I've met you, I can't stop thinking of you. I love the Deep Conversations we have, and how you've always been able to understand me, ever since we were teenagers. Losing my father today, just reminded me how special, and yet how brief life can be...."
"Oh, you didn't lose him, sweetheart - he's out in the backyard in the new family graveyard."
"...and Shante Taft, you are the woman I want to experience my life with. I want to have you and all your Neat freak, Neurotic tendencies near me, for the rest of my life."

"Yes, absolutely. Until Death do we part."
"Yes, yes! Of course I'll marry you, you big goof!"

"Oh Shante, I can't believe how happy you've made me, on this very sad day."

Yep, my boy got engaged during my funeral. He must have known that's what I would have wanted.
Really? I'd have figured you'd want to be alive, and not buried in the back yard at the time.
Oh, who's the comedian now? Anyway, Shante actually moved in the next day. First thing she did was head to the dresser and the mirror to give herself a makeover. Here they are relaxing on my son's bed after they got her moved in.

Hot Pink and Orange - a mix of their two favorite colors.
This is going to be one interesting couple.
I think they'll do fine. Well, I guess it's about that time.
Is it? Oh yes, it is, I'm afraid. I just want to say, Sim-Me, that you've done a great job getting this Legacy started. You've got two fine sons to carry on your bloodline, and they both look to have a fine future in front of them. Hopefully it won't be long before you've got grandchildren to watch over.
Hopefully. I guess I'd better head out to that spot in the garden with my name on it. I'm not sure we'll be able to talk again, what with the rules on ghosts, but... two last things?
Name them.
First, thank you for guiding me as well as you did. It helped me think of my own Epitaph - "When Death came for Brian, he reflected on his good Life, and shook Death's hand."
Hey, wow, that's pretty good. And the last thing?
And that, was for almost deleting me fourteen chapters ago. Watch over my family, will you?
* wheeze * All.... *cough* right....
Oh ouch! That was pretty cold of your sim-self.
I'm looking forward to seeing the next generation evolve.
*snickers* I see sim-Brian has just as warped a sense of humor as Shiny-Brian. *giggles*
Maybe Rene likes Christopher? Or even Evil sims realize a funeral party isn't the place to be mean to someone.
Pfft, Latricia shouldn't get all pissy because someone is consoling Christopher on the death of his father. *tickle*
Hey, sim-Brian can come back as a ghost, just not a playable ghost! ;-)
Heh, I guess Shante is the non-nonsense practical sort, going on about him wearing the knees on his good pants. *snickers* Okay, Shante, shut up and get a clue. "Oh, you didn't lose him..." *shakes her head* Heh, glad she finally caught on.
Congratulations, Alex and Shante! *cheers* Heh, you could have ignored that particular thought-bubble of hers, you know. *snickers and pokes the Shiny one*
Shante went blond, eh? Good for her! (My Diobhell heiress, Shiarra, is brunette, just like the rest of her family, but the moment she turned teen, she started dying her hair blond. After she had 3 of her 6 kids, I made her stop dying her hair and focus on the brats (I changed it back to brown with red tips), but as soon as she squirted out #'s 5&6, she insisted on going back to blond. It really did suit her much better.)
But OMG, you could have figured out some better way to combine their favorite colors. *quickly scrolls down to get that off her screen* Kinda painful there!
HAHAHAHA!!! You go, Sim-Brian! *cheers wildly* So totally deserved that. *giggles* Good ending to Brian's portion of the story. :-D
*wipes away tears of mirth*
*hands Brian an icepack*
That really was a lovely funeral. :O)
"Oh, Alexander... I can't believe..... how much I have to pee right now."
I really should know better than to be drinking while reading one of your updates. That was hilarious.
*winces* that bed is blinding!
OMG That was hilarious! I love Sim-Brian. Take that, Sim-God! *cackles*
hehehe - maybe the Evil boss-chick got a thrill seeing him suffer so much. That's quite an eyeful he's getting with his hug, huh? ^_^
OY! pink & orange?! this is going to make my eyes bleed...
OHOOoW! @@! No fair - he didn't delete you tho! That's hitting below the belt... Literally!~ :P
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