"Uh... we um, still exist. Do you uh, feel any different?"
"Different how? What's up with you? For a moment there you looked like you were going to swap your Bladder and Hygiene bars. And not in a good way. Is something wrong?"
"Um, no... I think... I think things are fine, actually. Say Laurel, I just had a crazy idea!"
"Like, meeting my parents, who are in the next room, now that we're engaged?"

"Okay, sweetheart... but you'd better have an explanation for all this."

"Wow, a Legacy challenge? Well, that certainly explains a lot. Do you talk to Him often?"
"Not every day. But then again, I'm not sure how many of my Actions are the result of His intervention, or my own Free Will. I'm not sure I would have Worked Hard each and every single day at work. You haven't spoken to Him?"
"No. I've heard rumors about people who have... they're usually been in a mental hospital, or surrounded by toddlers, or some other strange set of circumstances. Or worse, being forced to basically live outdoors growing their own food or something weird. Some people say their Creators are female."
"Well, here we are, my love. I hate to rush this, but until I find out why we still exist, I think we we should try to earn our keep, so to speak."
"That's fine, Brian. I wouldn't have had this any other way. You and I and our future descendants, that's what matters."

"I love you, Laurel, with all my heart and soul."
"And I love you, Brian. More than I could have possibly imagined. Now, I really think we should get started on that whole 'heir-raising scheme'."
"Wait, right now? We've barely gotten you moved in?"
"Yes, now. Don't make me tell you again, Mister English. Let me show you what my sleepwear looks like." *spins*
[Image: leopardskinthong.jpg not found. Please contact your system administrator, because; daymn, she's fine.]
"Oh wow.... just.... man, I almost hope we don't hear the chimes this time..."

"That was incredible, Laurel. I think you've shown me a new art form. Or at least a heavenly body. Think we can do that again?"
"Easy, killer. We need to rest - tomorrow's a busy day. We have to do some work on the house with the money I've added to this household."
This is great Brian!
I'm so glad that they didn't get deleted. But the question remains: WHY?!
Oooo, looks like Brian is doing an end-play around you, ShinyBrian! *giggles* Hopefully they get to keep living their lives and enjoying themselves.
Oh, man, talk about teasing! *tries to contact her administrator, then realizes she's at work and he probably wouldn't be happy about her checking out pixilated pr0n on an office machine*
*snickers* Glad to see Brian English is enjoying married life. *grins*
So how much did she add to the household funds? Because, wow, did they make some drastic improvements awfully fast!
Heh, so Sim-Brian took things in to his own hands. Good for him!
rotf! I bet the Shiny one is on the phone to his administrator the next day for that leopard print thong! :D
- and I'm SO glad you didn't delete them - obviously! *claps*
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