Come on aboard I promise you you won't hurt the horse
We treat him well, we feed him well
There's lots of room for you on the bandwagon
The road may be rough, the weather may forget us
But won't we all parade around and sing our songs and wave our flags.
A magic kingdom, greet us all hello, greet us hello, greet us hello.
"Are you sure about this, Mom?"We treat him well, we feed him well
There's lots of room for you on the bandwagon
The road may be rough, the weather may forget us
But won't we all parade around and sing our songs and wave our flags.
A magic kingdom, greet us all hello, greet us hello, greet us hello.
"I'm absolutely sure, boys. I can think of two reasons why this should be done..."

"Yeah, I know, Mom, but this is the house Dad built for us, with his own sweat, blood, and keystrokes. What would he say right now?"

"Oh, Christopher, to your father, the house was just a place to sleep, eat, and to play video games in. What he truly cherished most of all, was our family, and watching you boys grow. After the leopard skin thingy, of course. He would understand the need to do this, with new babies on the way."

"I understand, Alex. C'mon, time's a wasting. Get busy with Buy and Build modes, you two."
* A few days later.... *
"Christopher! Get over here, I need you! My water broke! The baby is coming!"

"She is! We both are! Now quit freaking out and get me to the hospital!"
"Right! Hospital, police cruiser, sirens.... uh, ixnay on the police car; Looks like Alex and Shante took it...."
* Later that very same night... *

"Oh, it's all right, sweetheart. Danny and I are just fine; there' no reason for us to stay when we've got this nice, big new house waiting for us, which was finished just in time."
"Oh, I know, 'Trish. Besides, I know they had a shortage of bassinets after Alex and Shante."
Posted by: Brian at 13:37 pm 0 comments
Boy, bet you thought it was another cliffhanger, didn't ya! :D

"I think so... I just wonder why we have to bring Deanna and Elizabeth home in a cab when I've got Dad's cop car literally in my pocket."
"Oh, is that what that is? I thought you were just happy to see me."
"Always, Shante. Even before you gave us two beautiful baby girls."
"Uh... did you Check the Sink before we left the house? And the stove?"
"Yes, dear."
"Oh, good. I'd hate it if anything were to happen to that new house."
I suppose the readers are going to want to actually see the new house; odd creatures that they are... well, all right.

The dining room has the same floor and walls as the kitchen, because it was originally the kitchen, but I decided to switch them so the kitchen would have windows.

You can see the family graveyard there... which I completely sealed off with a fence and removed the gate to see if that would keep a certain Founder's ghost from wandering about. Next to his marker is the easel containing his last attempted painting. I'm curious if his ghost will finish it, if he can't play video games any more...

Deanna English - Hates the Outdoors, and Exciteable
Likes: Kids Music, Dim Sum, and Grey
Elizabeth English - Athletic, Heavy Sleeper
Likes: Electronica, Spaghetti, and Red.
Danny English - Artistic, Easily Impressed
Likes: Electronica, Key Lime Pie, and White.
It'll be interesting to see how having 3 babies in the house affects the creator.
Brian ... those carpets you picked out for the new house ... *BLINKS* ... *squeegees her eyes*
"It's dark in here" ... *ROTFLMAO*
That's a big, freakin' house! Nice touch with the easel in the back. And what'dya mean the founder can't play video games any more?
Heh, I like mom's reasons. :-) I wonder what it is she's suggesting though?
HAHAHAHA!! "Dark in here." OMG, I don't know how I didn't crack up out loud (I'm at work and laughing out loud randomly isn't a good sign for continued employment... or being allowed to stay out of our psych unit...).
Well, geeze, don't we get to see the new house? *pouts*
Pfft, no hospitals let you stay more than a day with natural childbirth. Heck, a c-section and they kick you out like 3 days later! *shakes her head* But congrulations on the birth of your son, Chris and Latricia!
Yay, twins! *boogies* Not quite as good as both women having multiples, but I'll take it. ;-) Congrats on the birth of your daughters, Alex and Shante!
*peers at the picture of them in the cab* What's wrong with Shante's face there? *blinks* I guess it's just her face with her looking exhausted? Definitely some interesting genetics you're inviting into your Legacy family. *grins*
Wow, their place is HUGE now! The ground floor has a -ton- of room to fill up there! Okay, the second floor has tons of space too. They're doing -very- well, I see! But, is Laurel's room open to the second story foyer? *looks* I'm not seeing a wall or door at the end of that hallway there.
Honestly, with kids already in the house, you probably want to leave Laurel's room as a bedroom or you're going to find yourself converting it back into a bedroom before you know it. ;-)
Gotta try to figure out where to give the Wolff's a pond on their property. *ponders*
Can't wait to see you try to keep your sanity, with 3 infants in the house! Of course, you do have a living Elder (who presumably has retired) and two mom's who'll be forced to stay home for a while. So maybe it won't be quite as crazy as having 2 sets of twins born insanely close together and then only having the mom home with them all. *coughs*
Ange - Brian is clearly totally and completely color-blind. *nods sagely*
@Lisa: Three babies didn't affect the Creator nearly as much as.... three toddlers. *quiver*
@Angel: The Founder can't play video games any more because the graveyard is sealed now - he can't leave it. I'm having enough trouble getting five adults with jobs and three toddlers with varying sleep schedules enough sleep... don't need a ghost waking them up. :)
@Aero: Yeah, I realized Laurel's room didn't have a door. Her room has a double door now... a single door would have ruined the symmetry.
Laurel isn't retired - she still works.
okay how funny is it that my frist thought was YAY NO MORE PINK! *giggles*
at least gen 3 has better taste in colors.
congrats on the 'triplets'
*waves at Sim-Bri*
woot! yay for a new house! *bounces* I love the 2nd/3rd generation stage when they have enough money to get a comfy home.
I hafta agree w/Aer - officially colorblind. *nods* Or someones' been designing carpet colors based on favorite football teams. :\ hmmm, Bills are red & blue, aren't they?! ^_^
Omy -you did get a set of twins! WOOT~! I love it! zomg - I bet that house was a ZOO with 8 people - I don't blame you in the least for fencing your founder in! :DD
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