Pull your dress on and stay real close
Who might leave you where I left off?
A perfect circle of acquaintances and friends
Drink another, coin a phrase
Heaven assumed, shoulders high in the room
"Yes, Hal, I'm sure. It's time, past time. Yes, you've been a great boss, Hal, even though I made it to Dynamic DNA Profiler, and you're still a Wiretap Reader. Yes... you'll be at the party, right?"
"Good, good. See you soon."
With that, Brian put away his cell phone, and made his way down the stairs. It took longer than he was used to, which caused him to sigh inwardly. He felt old, very old, but he knew there was nothing he could do about it. Summoning his resolve, he strove to move a little faster. I still have time, I'm still alive, so I'm going to act like it, he said to himself, clenching his jaw slightly.
Shortly, the guests began to arrive, for Laurel and Alexander's joint birthday/graduation party. (Creator's Note: Well, it wouldn't make sense for it to be a joint birthday party. Boy, did I time everyone's ages just right as for birthdays not to make any sense.) They had two birthday cakes, since no one at the bakery had heard of a graduation cake. Laurel was puzzled to see a familiar scowl on Brian's lined face...
Hey, you didn't have to put the word "lined" in there, you know. I'm old, everybody knows that. No need to keep pointing it out!
You're right, there was no "need" to. Now hush. Anyway, Laurel was puzzled to see a familiar scowl on Brian's face.
"All right, sweetheart, now what's that look for? Last I checked, it was our turn to age up, not yours. What's bothering you now?"
"I... just... well, I've kind of grown attached to how you look, my love. It seems a shame for such a wonderful woman to have to age. You deserve to be young and * BLEEP * forever."
Hey! Watch that adult rating! There are teenagers and old men in coveralls present!
Laurel blushed slightly, then squeezed her husband's hands. "It's part of the perfect circle of life, my love. I wouldn't change the natural course of things, even if I could. Now, chin up, soldier. It's time for your son to become a man."
Alexander looked upon his birthday... uh, graduation cake with a smile on his face as he stepped up to it. It was time for the biggest change in his life yet - soon he'd be able to go out and get a real job, and start his own tale, contributing to his parents' Legacy. He visualized himself falling in love, having a family, and boarding a rocket to the stars. Almost shivering with anticipation, he blew out the candles.
[Image: alexYAtrans3.jpg not found. I'd say to contact your system administrator, but you aren't missing much.]
"Oh well, it could have been a lot worse. Good thing we still have a fully stocked bureau."
"Nice eyebrows, Heat Miser."
"Quiet, Christopher. It's your mother's turn to play Maxis Spin Roulette."
"Make a Wish, Mom!" Christopher cheered as his mother stepped up to the other cake, hurriedly changing out of her work clothes. Laurel looked over her shoulder at her younger son and smiled. "I pretty much have everything I could ask for, Chris," she said.
Chris wasn't fooled. "'Pretty much everything' means there's still something you don't have, Mom!"
Laurel laughed, and pondered for a second. "All right, there is something." Making her wish, she blew out the candles. The transition didn't waste much time, engulfing her almost immediately, and she spun around in place in front of all their amazed guests.

What, you "lost" the picture of Alex's spin up outfit, but you managed to hang on to this one?
Computers and Creators are fickle things, Laurel. You should know that by now.
The next morning, our Heir decided to get started on his adult life. Borrowing his father's police cruiser, he headed to the military base, in order to get started on his lifelong dream.
Nice eyebrows, Heat Miser.
"Hush you. I'll fix this when I get home and get to a mirror."
So, here's our Generation 2 heir, as he gets his first job. His traits are Genius, Brave, Virtuoso, Computer Whiz, and Easily Impressed. His Lifetime Wish is to be an Astronaut.
Who might leave you where I left off?
A perfect circle of acquaintances and friends
Drink another, coin a phrase
Heaven assumed, shoulders high in the room

With that, Brian put away his cell phone, and made his way down the stairs. It took longer than he was used to, which caused him to sigh inwardly. He felt old, very old, but he knew there was nothing he could do about it. Summoning his resolve, he strove to move a little faster. I still have time, I'm still alive, so I'm going to act like it, he said to himself, clenching his jaw slightly.
Shortly, the guests began to arrive, for Laurel and Alexander's joint birthday/graduation party. (Creator's Note: Well, it wouldn't make sense for it to be a joint birthday party. Boy, did I time everyone's ages just right as for birthdays not to make any sense.) They had two birthday cakes, since no one at the bakery had heard of a graduation cake. Laurel was puzzled to see a familiar scowl on Brian's lined face...
Hey, you didn't have to put the word "lined" in there, you know. I'm old, everybody knows that. No need to keep pointing it out!
You're right, there was no "need" to. Now hush. Anyway, Laurel was puzzled to see a familiar scowl on Brian's face.

Hey! Watch that adult rating! There are teenagers and old men in coveralls present!
Laurel blushed slightly, then squeezed her husband's hands. "It's part of the perfect circle of life, my love. I wouldn't change the natural course of things, even if I could. Now, chin up, soldier. It's time for your son to become a man."

"Oh well, it could have been a lot worse. Good thing we still have a fully stocked bureau."
"Nice eyebrows, Heat Miser."
"Quiet, Christopher. It's your mother's turn to play Maxis Spin Roulette."

Chris wasn't fooled. "'Pretty much everything' means there's still something you don't have, Mom!"

Computers and Creators are fickle things, Laurel. You should know that by now.
The next morning, our Heir decided to get started on his adult life. Borrowing his father's police cruiser, he headed to the military base, in order to get started on his lifelong dream.

"Hush you. I'll fix this when I get home and get to a mirror."
So, here's our Generation 2 heir, as he gets his first job. His traits are Genius, Brave, Virtuoso, Computer Whiz, and Easily Impressed. His Lifetime Wish is to be an Astronaut.
He's Mr. Heat Miser, he's Mister ... umm ... I forget the rest of the lyrics. :O)) HAH! Funny, stuff, Brian. :O)) Interesting how your sim-self is having aging issues. Are you projecting?
*wipes a tear* They grow up so quickly!
Hehe, yeah, I love how they assign bosses that are lower on the career chain than you are. (Of course, in my Diobhell clan, Shiarra's boss in the criminal career track is her twin sister, Illyana... despite the fact that when I had Illy move out of the house, she was safely settled in, hmm, I think I had her in the military track. Whatever her LTW was, which was NOT criminal!)
Poor guy is -really- not liking old age, is he. *comforts Brian*
*blinks* Okay, what was behind the "beep"? The only things I could think of with that sentance was hot, sexy or beautiful, none of which needed to beeped. If he said young and f'able, well, being old wouldn't change the latter part at all... *frowns*
Heh, lemme guess, Alex got a hideous transition outfit and deleted the image from your files? *giggles*
Ouch, I don't blame Laurel for being upset that you still have that outfit. They really need to be nicer to our Sim elders than EAxis has been to date. :-(
Those are pretty, um, full? eyebrows there, Alexander.
*tsks at Angelia*
He's Mister Heat Miser, He's Mister Sun. He's Mister Green Christmas, he's Mister Hundred and One! (Yeah, Okay, I'll stop there.)
*grins at Ang & Aer, comforts Lisa*
so, one retires, one has a bushy brow and a new job, one grows old and an unfulfilled wish..
you're just swimming along.
WOOT congrats on fulfilled lifetime want and high school graduation :)
(About the rules and use of midlife crisis, Pinstar says this in the Legacy Challenge rules thread on page 14 where he answers some of the question
"You may also select the "Midlife crisis" perk to re-do your traits, but if you do that, you must randomize all of them (unless you are using family trait) "
So yes no all the traits but anything else that is not a family trait. Hugs anyways.)
Angelia: Not projecting, but yes, dealing with an Elder Sim-Me is playing heck with my fragile little mind. :D
Aero: More like Hal never got promoted past Wiretap Reader. He was at that level when Brian got a job.
Tara: No LTW completed yet, but Laurel should be able to hit hers, I should think.
*pats Brian on the shoulder gently* There, there - older is not so bad - it sure makes you appreciate every day more! :D :D
(not that I would know....)
hehehee- more of the missing photos? c'mon - his outfit can't be that bad! ohhh - I don't think the eyebrows would look quite so frightening if his hair was the same color. Can he light a candle & say a little prayer to Miss Clairol??
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