Out there are silver dressed darlings
And raven mane delights
When ginger hair gets all fired up
She beats them in the night
That redhead walking, uh

And raven mane delights
When ginger hair gets all fired up
She beats them in the night
That redhead walking, uh

Elizabeth looked at her face in the mirror, for what must have been the thousandth time since she became a teenager. Even though all through her childhood, her family had told her what a pretty girl she was, she just didn't seem able to shake the feeling that they didn't really mean it. She was beginning to doubt if she'd ever find a boyfriend with her looks.
She didn't quite understand it. While her family's estate had a pool, and both exercise machines, she still liked to go down to the gym... hoping to find a guy interesting in an Athletic girl such as herself. So far, she hadn't had any luck.
Her twin sister, Deanna, didn't seem to have that problem. She had spoken on occasion of this one nice boy she was curious about... Elizabeth couldn't remember his name... Zeb-something.
Finally, the next night, while the two of them were doing their homework, she put down her pencil for a moment.
"Dee? Can I ask you something?" she asked her sister.
"What is it?" Deanna replied absently, not looking up from her homework.
"Tell me the truth, Dee.... am I.... ugly?"
Deanna stopped short and put down her notebook. "What? Are you crazy, Liz? No, you're not ugly.... why would you say such a thing?"
Elizabeth's hands moved to her jaw self-consciously. "I just don't feel very... attractive... with this."
Deanna looked to where her sister's hands were indicating, "What, your jaw? Liz, that's Mom's jaw."
"I know," Elizabeth replied. "You didn't get it, and you've had boys follow you around in school."
"Ah yes," Deanna snorted. "Of the three so far, one is Insane, and another is a Slob." She then stopped short, seeing the look on Elizabeth's face. "Liz, I really think you should talk to Dad about this. I have a feeling he can help you with this better than any one else."
Elizabeth almost replied in confusion, but recalled her sister was usually right about such things.
It wasn't until the next night (and a change of wallpaper and flooring) that she was able to get a few moments of her father's time. He saw the way she walked into the dining room, with her head down, and immediately got up and went over to her.
"Pretty girl, what's wrong?"
"Daddy...." she said with a sniffle. "I just don't... I just don't feel very pretty. None of the boys seem interested in me, and I feel like I'm going to die a lonely old woman." With that, she dissolved into tears, but her father was there to take hold of her.
He let her sob for a few moments, then gently took her by the shoulders so he could look her in the eye.
"Baby girl, don't talk like that. You are a beautiful young woman, and you're not going to have any trouble finding the man of your dreams. Why would you feel ugly?"
Elizabeth sniffled, then replied to her father; her voice quivering. "It's my jaw, Daddy. It just... it just looks like it sticks out too much. I feel like everyone stares at it. I feel like it's keeping boys away from me."
"Elizabeth," Alex said, consolingly. "You've inherited your mother's jaw. There's nothing wrong with that. It's just different, but it's not bad."
"I don't know Daddy.... it's just how I feel. and I feel worse for feeling it, because I do love Mom, and..."
"Pretty girl, I fell in love with your mother. I married your mother, we had you two girls, and I wouldn't change anything about either one of you. The three of you are the most beautiful women I know."
Elizabeth looked up, slightly smiling. "You mean it, Daddy?"
"Of course I do, baby girl. You and your sister are going to be beautiful brides someday, and your mother and I just get prouder of you every day."
"Thanks, Daddy," she said, a true smile coming to her face.
"You're welcome. Now, dry those tears and hit the sack. It's a school night."
The next morning, after a good night's sleep, Elizabeth felt much better. She'd had time to reflect on what her father said. He'd been right - her mother, even with her stout jaw, had done pretty well, and the only time Elizabeth could remember her ever frowning was when she lost a chess game.
She went into her grandmother's old room, and looked in her cherished mirror. This time, there was no dread in her reflection. Instead, she smiled at herself, and knew, that true love would find her, just like it had her mother.
And now for something completely different. A woman throwing up in a toilet.

"Dee? Can I ask you something?" she asked her sister.
"What is it?" Deanna replied absently, not looking up from her homework.
"Tell me the truth, Dee.... am I.... ugly?"
Deanna stopped short and put down her notebook. "What? Are you crazy, Liz? No, you're not ugly.... why would you say such a thing?"
Elizabeth's hands moved to her jaw self-consciously. "I just don't feel very... attractive... with this."
Deanna looked to where her sister's hands were indicating, "What, your jaw? Liz, that's Mom's jaw."
"I know," Elizabeth replied. "You didn't get it, and you've had boys follow you around in school."
"Ah yes," Deanna snorted. "Of the three so far, one is Insane, and another is a Slob." She then stopped short, seeing the look on Elizabeth's face. "Liz, I really think you should talk to Dad about this. I have a feeling he can help you with this better than any one else."
Elizabeth almost replied in confusion, but recalled her sister was usually right about such things.

"Pretty girl, what's wrong?"
"Daddy...." she said with a sniffle. "I just don't... I just don't feel very pretty. None of the boys seem interested in me, and I feel like I'm going to die a lonely old woman." With that, she dissolved into tears, but her father was there to take hold of her.

Elizabeth sniffled, then replied to her father; her voice quivering. "It's my jaw, Daddy. It just... it just looks like it sticks out too much. I feel like everyone stares at it. I feel like it's keeping boys away from me."
"Elizabeth," Alex said, consolingly. "You've inherited your mother's jaw. There's nothing wrong with that. It's just different, but it's not bad."
"I don't know Daddy.... it's just how I feel. and I feel worse for feeling it, because I do love Mom, and..."
"Pretty girl, I fell in love with your mother. I married your mother, we had you two girls, and I wouldn't change anything about either one of you. The three of you are the most beautiful women I know."

"Of course I do, baby girl. You and your sister are going to be beautiful brides someday, and your mother and I just get prouder of you every day."
"Thanks, Daddy," she said, a true smile coming to her face.
"You're welcome. Now, dry those tears and hit the sack. It's a school night."

She went into her grandmother's old room, and looked in her cherished mirror. This time, there was no dread in her reflection. Instead, she smiled at herself, and knew, that true love would find her, just like it had her mother.

*huggles Elizabeth*
What? Moar babbies? You haven't had enough torture?
Aww, poor kid. *feels bad for Elizabeth* Just think, you've got your mother's looks... and she obviously found your father. So you will find someone, you just have to be patient.
Zeb's a skin-head! *giggles* But if Deanna likes that, I guess it's okay.
Oh, Shiny, that was NOT a nice picture to snap of Elizabeth! Makes her look even more unfortunate than she is.
I'm glad Deanna pointed out that Beth has their mom's jaw and is now sending her to talk to dad. :-D
Aw, man, they both look so SAD in that picture! *huggles both Elizabeth and Alex* That whole conversation was just so sweet though. I hope she finds someone who thinks she's as beautiful as Alex does.
Yay!! I'm glad she's feeling more Attractive now after her talk with dad! *cheers*
*shakes her head* I bet it's just food poisoning. :-b *winks*
yay for having a sweetheart dad to make you feel all warm n fuzzy again
*sniffles* Poor girl. :O(( She really does have quite a jaw, doesn't she? But ... I have a feeling she'll probably find a really great guy who will love her for the beauty she is (on the inside). :O))
You did a really great job doing pics to go with your words! Kudos! Are you sure you aren't doing an "Uglacy," ha ha? Seriously, tho, I can relate with not feeling attractive when I was younger and thinking noone would ever want to be with me. Aren't kids silly? :-)
Aww - poor kid! I know it doesn't help, but everybody feels like at some point - like they'll never find someone that loves them. What a sweet dad she has - and he what? gave her an attractive trait boost? That's cool! *claps*
lol! what a teaser! You don't want those cribs getting dusty, do you?? ^_^
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