Up the stairs to the landing,
up the stairs into the hall, oh, oh, oh
Take oasis, Marat's bathing
We walk through the wood, we walk
up the stairs into the hall, oh, oh, oh
Take oasis, Marat's bathing
We walk through the wood, we walk

Greetings, readers. It's the Creator here. It's been a while since we've checked in with Brian and his family, so I think it's time to get status updates straight from the horse's mouth.
Ah, here's our Founder now, fresh from another day fighting crime with a microscope.
Oh, it's You again. It's been a while since You've come to interrupt my life.
You're awfully cranky for someone who only works four days a week.
Oh, everything's been fine, except like I feel like I'm getting old.
* checks the Simology panel * Well, you've got a day or so left before that happens.
Thank you SO much for removing the doubt from my mind. I heard you do children's parties, too.
I think I'll let that slide. Anyway, how are the kids? Christopher doing all right?
Oh, he's fine. He's already a toddler.

Did you?
Oh yes - it took a lot of paychecks, not to mention running some Forensic Analyses from home, but I think the house is looking pretty good now.

Apparently. Laurel said "It's not like you can actually CHOOSE what your maternity clothes look like..." Anyway, Diana even showed up to Alex's birthday party, which I know you were here for.
Oh, I was. It's when I learned the chaos a Flirty Sim can cause at a party, even if she's married. I hope there were no consequences of her using a Pick-up Line on your boss, Hal.

She's just been getting a bit of cabin fever. She loves spending time with the boys, and working on her Painting, but we've been talking about her getting a job once Alex is a teenager. She's always wanted to be a Robot-Creature cross-breeder.
Everyone needs a hobby, I guess... anyway, how are the boys getting along?

Indeed... anyway, does he know what's in store for him? How's he's going to inherit everything?

I was kind of surprised... he just looked over at our house and said "I understand," when I expected him to be confused. I know this kid is a Genius, but I swear he's twenty pages ahead of the rest of us, sometimes. "Does it have to stay this way?" he asked?
"Oh no," I told him. "You'll be able to do whatever you think is best for you and your family. With one exception - you can never sell it, and neither can any of your descendants. But you, as the first born son, are the Heir, and you must live here."
"Oh, I'd never move from here, Dad," he said. "With the wide open sky, it's perfect for Searching the Galaxy for stars and planets and such." He then looked puzzled for a second, which I rarely ever see from him. "What about Chris?"
"Yeah. Little kid, brown hair, about so tall..."
"I know who he is, smart aleck." He may not have our Sense of Humor yet, but the kid does have his moments.
"What about him? What will Chris inherit when he grows up?"
I considered for a few moments before answering. "Well, Chris isn't going to inherit anything, since you are the first born son," I paused here, when I saw that Alex looked slightly shocked. "But," I continued, "like I said, you'll be the one making the decisions - if you want to add on to the house to make room for Chris and any family he has, that's up to you. No one's telling you to cast out your brother."
Alex relaxed at that. "As long as he doesn't break my toys, he can stay."
That last line is such a kid thing to say.
Aww ... poor Alex was troubled when he realized his lil' bro wasn't gonna inherit jack sh*t. :O(( But that was nice of him to consider his lil' bro like he did. :O)
Hehe, looks like even Sims can have fits about getting old. Poor Brian. *comfort*
Wow, each kid gets their own room. You're spoiling them! *snickers* Of course, that's easy enough for me to say, since my Founder has but one child. *nods*
Man, the upstairs looks AWESOME! I guess that's one thing about having waited so long to start a family, there's plenty of money for upgrades like that. My heiress is living in, well, it could probably work well as a walk-in closet... she barely fits a bed and a toy chest in there and nothing else. *grins* And that's a nice huge deck they've got. Good for a BBQ and table out there too. *nods*
That's a very large, rather empty ground floor you've got there. :-)
Hehe, I'll have to keep that in mind, especially if my Legacy family throws a birthday party at some point for their heiress, since Hal is a Flirt (if I remember correctly).
(I wonder why EAxis won't let children interact with toddlers. Never made any sense to me.)
Very cool that Alex caught on so quickly and knew he didn't want to live anywhere else. But so very sweet that he wanted to know about his baby brother too! (And yes, he's definitely a smart alec, just like his creator. *snickers*)
Hahaha!!! Loved the last line! *cackles*
i agree with the others, loved the last line
odd about the child/toddler thing
*giggles* I've heard there's an increase in the sarcasm levels as sims age....
Aww - and no shots of Alex's B-day party? I guess keeping ones flirty sim in check keeps you busy. I'm glad it didn't ruffle Brian's feathers.
boy - when you least expect it, kids can be downright sweet! :D
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