"Will you be remembered? Will she be remembered?
Alone in a crowd, a bartered lantern borrowed
If I'm to be your camera, then who will be your face?"
Sometimes I wonder, if anyone ever did a study on just how many screenshots are taken in a Sims game, and figured out what percentage of them are actually used. In this installment of Dead Letter Office, I thought I'd throw up some of the screenshots that were still lingering in my folder.
Who is this, you may ask? No, it's not whom you think. This is Colene Knight and her son Andrew, from my other Sims 3 game. Yes, She is whom Brian and the Creator were referring to at the beginning of Chapter 5. Her husband is Brian Knight, who was made before I made my Sim Me. The little boy is their son, Andrew Knight. I like this picture because it shows how Andrew's hair color came straight from his mother. He has a little sister, Merissa, who got her hair color straight from her father.
Right around the time Sims 3 came out, I was having some seriously Mood-draining issues at work, so I was given a somewhat sudden one week vacation. I decided to take out some of my frustrations by putting seven of my co-workers into a Sims 3 game, doing the best I could to match their looks and personalities. I did better with the former, than the latter.
I did a very good job matching their personalities, because as soon as I dropped the seven of them into a pre-made house, Jamar(black shirt) and Grondor (blond hair) (Not their real names) headed right to the juice bar and started knocking them down.
It was always funny watching Jamar and Matt talking with each other - Jamar was a Grumpy, No Humor Workaholic, and Matt, wasn't. Their Sims argued a lot, which apparently happens from time to time at work.
Like the Sim, RL-Jamar has no qualms about telling you that he doesn't like you, to your face. He also liked to try Sneaking Up on people to try to Scare them, but the one-lane staircase usually thwarted him, with six other Sims moving around.
I would have played this house more, but seven people in one house gets old after about half an hour, when you've got to keep them all fed, clothed, rested, etc...
When he was starting out, Brian spent a lot of time at the Library playing games on the computer. Just like me, he had to get his fix.
Yeah, this picture has no business being in any of the Legacy updates. I don't know what I was thinking, having Brian stop playing Chess at the Gazebo just to dance with this old woman.
Here we have Exhibit 3 of 7 in the series "Teenagers Are Distinguishable From Adults Only By Their Height", currently playing in new Legacy families everywhere, performed by Founders looking for mates.
Some pictures speak for themselves. I love the look on Laurel's face, but this shot didn't fit in with the narrative, either.Well, that's about it for now. You'll probably get more posts like this in the future, if I feel like taking a break from the story and have a bunch of unused shots to throw up.
That was fun, getting a glimpse into your cutting room floor like that. :-D Sorry to hear about the enforced vacation from work though. *comforts* Hopefully abusing your co-workers in TS3 helped a bit. ;-)
Now, when do we meet Brian and Laurel's kid(s)??
Hehe! Most of the time, I end up using all of my pictures. :O))
zomg - I have hundreds of unused pictures in my folders - if they were a filing cabinet, they'd been bursting out! XDD
7 sims in a house does get a little overwhelming - specially when they're all no-skilled, no money having types. In fact, it sounds rather Asylum-ish....
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