Shiny happy people laughing
Meet me in the crowd
People people
Throw your love around
Love me love me
Take it into town
Happy happy
Put it in the ground
Where the flowers grow
Gold and silver shine
Meet me in the crowd
People people
Throw your love around
Love me love me
Take it into town
Happy happy
Put it in the ground
Where the flowers grow
Gold and silver shine
Well, readers, it's time once again to intrude on the lives of our Founder and his family. Looks like things have settled into a bit of normalcy after the flurry of birthdays, a graduation, and retirement. Ah, here were are now.
So, Brian, how are you enjoying retired life so far?
I really like having all this extra time during the day. I've been busy working on my painting - a few people have actually paid good money for some of my artwork. Just the other day, I finished this one of Alexander.
Ah, so the family finances are in good shape? Laurel still working at the Soil and Water Research Center?
Pretty well, actually. Laurel still seems to be loving her job - she just got promoted again - she is just rocketing up the career ladder, thanks to her skill with a wrench and her time spent taking care of her garden.
That's good to hear. I hope you two are still managing to spend time together.
Oh, of course we still do. As a matter of fact...
Oh my. some things never change. Thank Me this game doesn't have transparent bedclothes... while we're (reluctantly) on the topic, how are your sons doing looking for mates of their own?
Well, I'm their father, so all I know is what they tell me. I could tell, however, at Laurel and Alex's party, that Chris had his eye on this one girl he'd invited:
Her name is Latricia Cottoneye. Chris says she's a bit of a Loner, but very Friendly, even if she can be a bit Absent-Minded at times.
Times when she makes a plate of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches to eat when invited to a catered party?
Yeah. Like that. He seems to like her, though. They even met up at the park that Saturday.
He mumbled something about a "fine body of art" or something when the police dragged him home after curfew - he'd lost track of the time while talking with her.
That must have made you mad.
A little, at the time. But he apologized immediately, and he's such a good kid, staying on the honor roll, that I let it slide.
Well, yeah, I suppose he's earned a little slack. What about Alex? How's he doing in his search for the mother of the next Generation?
He's doing well, too. Here's he's talking with Shante Taft. I think she came to one of the various parties, as well. She's another Loner, apparently. What is it with my sons and choosing Loners?
You'd think they'd have learned from their mother.
Yes, exactly! Wait, what?
Nothing... so, what do you know about her, despite her dislike of crowds?
This is cute... she told Alex she'd tried to be a very Good person, but she seemed to be kind of Unlucky in life, until she met him. She couldn't believe that Alex English, son of world-renowned Forensic genius Brian English (that's me), would take an interest in her.
Oh, please. Who writes this stuff?
You do, remember? Anyway, apparently it was her sharp mind that attracted him - they'd first met at a meeting for Genius children. It wasn't long before he took her to dinner, and asked her to be his Girlfriend.
Even now, today, they're over there in the corner, having some sort of Deep Conversation. I can't make out a word of what these two are saying when they slip into Genius mode.
Um, it doesn't look like they're "conversing", Sherlock.
Well, parts of their conversation seem to be going deeply, heh heh heh.
You dirty old man! That's your son and his girlfriend you're talking about!
I know. I'm just so happy for the boy to have met someone so soon. She looks like she'll make a good partner for him. Laurel seems to be getting along with her too - we watched some TV together when she came over an hour ago.
Yes, standing here in my kitchen, surrounded by my family, and my sons' friends, I feel like everything is just fine. Chris even made this decent autumn salad for us - I think he's trying to impress Latricia, who's also here. In fact, he even...
... he.... even... uh... he...
"Dear? What's wrong?"

So, Brian, how are you enjoying retired life so far?
I really like having all this extra time during the day. I've been busy working on my painting - a few people have actually paid good money for some of my artwork. Just the other day, I finished this one of Alexander.

That's good to hear. I hope you two are still managing to spend time together.

Well, I'm their father, so all I know is what they tell me. I could tell, however, at Laurel and Alex's party, that Chris had his eye on this one girl he'd invited:

Times when she makes a plate of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches to eat when invited to a catered party?
Yeah. Like that. He seems to like her, though. They even met up at the park that Saturday.

A little, at the time. But he apologized immediately, and he's such a good kid, staying on the honor roll, that I let it slide.
Well, yeah, I suppose he's earned a little slack. What about Alex? How's he doing in his search for the mother of the next Generation?

You'd think they'd have learned from their mother.
Yes, exactly! Wait, what?
Nothing... so, what do you know about her, despite her dislike of crowds?

Oh, please. Who writes this stuff?
You do, remember? Anyway, apparently it was her sharp mind that attracted him - they'd first met at a meeting for Genius children. It wasn't long before he took her to dinner, and asked her to be his Girlfriend.

Well, parts of their conversation seem to be going deeply, heh heh heh.
You dirty old man! That's your son and his girlfriend you're talking about!
I know. I'm just so happy for the boy to have met someone so soon. She looks like she'll make a good partner for him. Laurel seems to be getting along with her too - we watched some TV together when she came over an hour ago.

... he.... even... uh... he...
"Dear? What's wrong?"

Brian! That was just evil! *goes to pout in the corner*
OMG, how did you get a good portrait of a sim?!? All of mine look like crap, even when the painter has max skill and the aspiration reward!
Adore the sunflower painting! I hope Madison paints one of those soon. *crosses her fingers*
Latricia? That's an interesting name. :-D She looks cute too.
Heh, I wish the police weren't -quite- so adept at catching our kids when they're out after curfew. (Especially since they occassionally spin up a wish to sneak out!)
Shante's not bad, but she's not nearly as cute as Latricia is. *grins* Her jaw juts out too much.
*snickers* He's got a point, you are the one writing it. *grins*
Says you, personally I think that's the best way to converse!
Oh, no... he's just falling asleep, right? He's not passing on, is he? It's too soon!
OMG, you stopped it THERE?!?! *chases Brian with a pitchfork, cattle prod, and a heating rod (to heat up the pitchfork)*
You are in SOOO much trouble!!!!!
*gets a switch*
*blinks* uh .. Brian? *pokes the shiny one*
btw nice portrait! i too have only had icky ones so far
ohman - TMI - I'm sure old people everywhere have wonderful, active sex lives - but I don't need to know about it! XD
wow - and both boys seem to be having good luck in the chick department! I dunno about that Shante chick tho - is there a plastic surgery machine option in S3?? :o
Ack - what the heck?? It's a good thing I can click over to the next chapter right away - these cliff hangers of yours woulda kilt me!
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