I'm gathering as far as I can reach
we're perched up on the precipice
and this is what I've seen
this is all I want it's all I need
this is all I am it's everything
this is all I want it's all I need.

"Well, I guess that answers THAT question," Laurel said to herself as she wiped the unpleasantness from her mouth. She didn't mind - she knew that in all likelihood, she was pregnant again. She wouldn't have minded if they'd had waited a little longer to have a second child, since they were still saving to add an upper floor to the house, but it was all right.

One thing she did splurge on, was a new hairstyle. It wouldn't be much longer before she was past the Young Adult stage, and she figured it was time to get a more grown-up hairstyle.
Creator's Note: Boy, does she like this mirror. She's the first Sim so far that autonomously uses it, but then, she is Flirty.
Brian, of course, loved it, but he was an easy sale. Later that night, as the three of them slept, she was awoken by a sudden, yet familiar feeling in her tummy.
* spin noise here *

Laurel's first thought was of course, to look forward to the massages her loving husband would be giving her over the next few months. When she went to tell him, he was pleased, and told her "I already knew, my love. Didn't you see me rereading the pregnancy books?"
"Wait, you knew already?" she asked, incredulously. "How did you find out?"
"Two words," he said with a smile. He gestured at the wall dividing this room from the nursery. "'Mama puke!'" he answered, with a perfect imitation of his son's speech.
Creator's Note: Actually, when I had Brian and Laurel Try For Baby again, there were no chimes. That may have been because I'd paused it trying to get a picture, but I didn't hear any, so I figured they didn't conceive. However, while they were sleeping afterwards, Brian rolled the Wish to Read a Pregnancy book.

That next morning, Laurel looked over at Alex as he playfully and happily ate his pureed breakfast of Apple pancakes. She decided right then and there, that she wanted another boy. She was sure Brian did too, for he'd made mention of having multiple sons. She had nothing against girls (cause she was one, obviously), but she really Wished for another Boy.
Creator's Note: Both Brian and Laurel rolled the Want To Have a Boy wish, so it was time for another diet of Apple Pancakes.
She didn't have quite the same amount of free time this pregnancy, but she didn't mind. She had read about sometimes sibling feeling left out when a new baby came, so she spent plenty of time with Alex.

She even bought new clothes for him. She'd noticed that he'd sometimes get crabby when she put him in his yellow and black outfit
(Can't say I blame him.), so she took him clothes shopping. When he giggled and pointed at a Hot Pink shirt, she knew she had found his favorite color.

Of course, her nesting instincts kicked in again, and she found herself upgrading their new toilet to clean itself, just like the old one.

Near the end of her pregnancy, Laurel again found herself admiring herself in the mirror, liking what she saw. The baby would have to share a room with Alex, for while they'd started to build on to the house, the contractors were backlogged and it was taking longer than usual. She wondered if the baby would come before the upstairs was ready.
* Later that night *
"Brian! The baby is coming! It's coming fast!"
"It is, oh my, what do you mean 'it's coming fast?'"
"I think it'll be here before we could get to the hospital, even if we could find a babysitter for Alex! I think I'd better have the baby here!"
"Uh... okay.... uh, what should we do?" Brian asked, still managing to be confused despite the fact he's read the books TWICE EACH and that this is their second child.
Here's where Laurel made a mistake. Summoning a bit of her Sense of Humor, to try to calm down her husband, she said, "Well, here's the plan. I'll stand right here to have the baby, while you get some sleep."
"Uh... okay!"
* headdesk times two *
Yes, our hero took his wife seriously, and went to sleep while she delivered our Generation 2 spare, Christopher English.
Favorites: Indie music, Hot Dogs, and Pink (What is it with these pink-loving boys! Don't answer that.)
Traits: Excitable, and Friendly. (Why can't I get rolls this good when I'm playing World of Warcraft?)
It's simple, Brian. Their sons are either drag queens or ... drama queens. Heh. YEESH! Pink (especially hot pink) is just so WRONG for a guy (unless he's gay). :O))
Lol @ Angie! Your good luck continues Brian, congrats on another boy with good traits.
She's accepting her second pregnancy so close to the birth of her first child pretty well. :-) I like her new hairstyle too. *cheers* (But man, I do miss the huge variety of hairs we have with TS2!)
Hahahaha!! I love that their son ratted out Laurel's surprise announcement! *giggles* Very cool that Brian is so attentive to her needs during her pregnancy though. :-D
I've got a "just for fun" family that I'm playing and not blogging - the husband's LTW was to raise 5 kids to teens. My sim-self had twin girls and then twin boys, I had them try for baby one last time and also go no chimes, so I thought it didn't take (for the first time EVER in my game), but then sim-Aer started puking her guts out, so I knew it took. *grins* (And thankfully it was just a single - an INSANE one, but still.)
I wish there was a way to control what type of pancakes your Sims made.
*blinks at Alex's color choice* Well, to each his own, I guess?
Hehe, labor in Sims 3 is even funnier than it was in Sims 2. At least now the mom freaks out as well as the dad. *snickers*
Wow, brave woman, deciding to give birth at home. *shakes her head* Not me, no way, I want drugs all the way, thankyouverymuch! OMG!! He DIDN'T!!! That is one dumb husband. *tries to stifle her very loud snickering*
Welcome Christopher! *waves* They probably both love pink 'cause that's what the room they were conceived and gestated in has as its overwhelming color choice. *winces* That bedroom is a whole heck of a lotta pink. Congrats on the good traits though!
Well, here's what little I've observed regarding the Art of Pancakes:
1. The "Default" pancake recipe is with Apples. Shop By Recipe taught me that.
2. If there are any other fruits in the fridge, they will be used - Colene had grapes and apples in her fridge, and she would make Grape Pancakes. "Grapes Pancakes", actually...
3. So, to have a better shot of getting what flavor pancakes you want, take the apples out of the fridge, and make sure you've got watermelon in there.
4. These are just my observations and suggestions. My advice is worth everything you're paying for it.
And the wallpaper in the bedroom is supposed to be red. It's just the lighting that makes it look pink. *AeroGlare*
*snickers at the boy's liking pink*
welcome spare boy!
maybe she's checking out the mirror alla time to make sure that she's still flirtable! ;) The new hair is cute - and better length for dealing with multiple babies *g*
ROTF! - yeah - you just go get some sleep~!~ WTH? Some wives might take that the wrong way :D
Welcome little Christopher, you have a very brave daddy....
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