I was hungry when I said
I never got to sleep
You go ahead
You can get whatever you want
There's a feeling in my belly
It's the new tomorrow scene
It's an interesting job
It's the fireworks
I never got to sleep
You go ahead
You can get whatever you want
There's a feeling in my belly
It's the new tomorrow scene
It's an interesting job
It's the fireworks
From the Diary of Shante English:
Dear Diary,
I'm sorry I haven't written in you for a while, but I think I've got a good excuse. Or rather, several of them.
As you know, I'm now a mom! Deanna and Elizabeth were born healthy and happy, and with them, the new house, and my job, it's been a very busy few months. It was just now that I have a few minutes to write in you.
Actually, it's been so crazy here, sometimes I have to remind myself which children are mine - My sister-in-law 'Trish is a new mom too, and little Danny is a beautiful little boy. He looks so much like Christopher, I think.
One thing we learned right off, with three babies combined with five adults with jobs is that, there's no such things as "my child" and "your child".... there's only "babies who need food/changing/whatnot", "Babies that are sleeping", and "free adults." I can't count how many times I went to change Danny's diaper and walked past Trish or Chris feeding Deanna or Elizabeth.
Trish and I have been getting along fine. We've even had the occasional spots of free time to play chess against each other, though I think the stress of caring for three babies causes her to be even more Absent-Minded at times. Times when she forgets to get dressed. Oh well, given my own Neurotic tendencies, I shouldn't talk. It does annoy me when she beats me at chess, though... considering I'm a Genius.
Still, like my dear Alex likes to say, "Even the craziest RPGs have end credits." Computer Whizzes say strange things. It didn't seem like long at all before it was time for a triple birthday!
Creator's Note: Note to self; no more triple babies at once, even with five adults. The peanut gallery can rest assured that I got what I deserved, even before they became toddlers...
Hey! Get out of here! This is MY diary, not yours, Creator-type person! Get your own diary!
Wait, what? Uh, Shante, this *is* ... uh, never mind. Skip it.
Here's my darling Deanna. For some reason, everyone kept studying her and her sister very closely after they grew. If I didn't know better, I'd have sworn they were staring at their jaws for some reason...
Here's my other little girl, Elizabeth. She looks a lot like her sister, but I don't think they're identical twins. I was kind of disappointed neither of them inherited their father's hair color - it's no secret that I despise my natural hair color. Grandma Laurel said not to worry - she had just the thing to change their hair colors to what ever we want.
Oh, I almost forgot it was Danny's birthday, too! I'm a bad aunt! Here's the little charmer... in a shirt matching his cousin's. Don't worry, we changed their outfits... and Grandma whipped up a few solutions to allow Alex and I to relieve the girls of my unfortunate hair color.
Here's the "D-E-D crew", as we call them, in one of their few joint sittings, for want of a better term - for three babies born literally within minutes of each other, their schedules quickly diverged. Elizabeth is the redhead, matching her father, and Deanna received my new hair color.
Now that we had three toddlers, the "Fun" really started - three toddlers who all needed to learn to talk, use the potty, and walk, while five adults had to go back to work. Which meant, we needed a babysitter.
I' m really glad this girl only showed up once, though. I can't remember her name, but the look on her face made me wonder what nefarious plan she had for the kids... thankfully, she didn't get a chance to carry them out, since Grandma got home early from work.
She came home from work with great news! She'd been promoted to Mad Scientist, which meant the Soil and Water Research Center was her domain! "Now, I'm the one that brushes new chemicals on people to see what cool stuff happens," she said.
She makes me nervous sometimes when she looks at various things in the house and says to herself "I wonder if I could..." Oh yes... that list of "things" includes her grandchilden, and the rest of us. She hasn't actually Performed any Experiments yet, though.
My brave husband came home from work that day, having gotten a promotion, too! In fact, all five of us came home with promotions! Needless to say, the money helped reestablish the bank account after it had been nearly drained building the new house.
Once again, when it came to training the kids, it was more a matter of who was free to teach a child than what each of the four of use Wished, but sometimes we did get to train our "own" kids. Elizabeth took a little longer to learn to Walk, but I was happy to do it.
I'm pretty sure it was Chris who taught Danny to talk. I managed to overhear them one time. "No, Danny, the word is 'chain reaction', not 'cake'."
Grandma Laurel is an old hat at toddler training, though. She's had the experience teaching Alex and Chris, so she's been able to teach her grandchildren faster than the rest of us. We don't mind, she's so great with them. She seems to be in good shape, even though she's older than Grandpa English was when he passed on.
It's so cute watching the cousins play together, once they all learned to talk, it seems sometimes, a bit sadly, that they know each other better than they know their own parents.
Oh, I just heard my husband get out of the shower. I think it's time for me to end this entry, and make him feel appreciated - it seemed like with the kids, we'd go days without moments to ourselves. Bye for now! *spin noise*
* Slurp noises here.*
Creator's Note: Move on, you lookie-loos. No cliffhanger today.
Dear Diary,
I'm sorry I haven't written in you for a while, but I think I've got a good excuse. Or rather, several of them.

Actually, it's been so crazy here, sometimes I have to remind myself which children are mine - My sister-in-law 'Trish is a new mom too, and little Danny is a beautiful little boy. He looks so much like Christopher, I think.
One thing we learned right off, with three babies combined with five adults with jobs is that, there's no such things as "my child" and "your child".... there's only "babies who need food/changing/whatnot", "Babies that are sleeping", and "free adults." I can't count how many times I went to change Danny's diaper and walked past Trish or Chris feeding Deanna or Elizabeth.

Creator's Note: Note to self; no more triple babies at once, even with five adults. The peanut gallery can rest assured that I got what I deserved, even before they became toddlers...
Hey! Get out of here! This is MY diary, not yours, Creator-type person! Get your own diary!
Wait, what? Uh, Shante, this *is* ... uh, never mind. Skip it.

Now that we had three toddlers, the "Fun" really started - three toddlers who all needed to learn to talk, use the potty, and walk, while five adults had to go back to work. Which meant, we needed a babysitter.

She makes me nervous sometimes when she looks at various things in the house and says to herself "I wonder if I could..." Oh yes... that list of "things" includes her grandchilden, and the rest of us. She hasn't actually Performed any Experiments yet, though.

It's so cute watching the cousins play together, once they all learned to talk, it seems sometimes, a bit sadly, that they know each other better than they know their own parents.

Creator's Note: Move on, you lookie-loos. No cliffhanger today.
Heh. Nice diary. :O) That is a lot of toddles. Heck, in TS2, I got so used to taking care of triplets, that quads was like twins to me. But I hear tell that in TS3, even ONE baby is a handful. I haven't enjoyed the experience yet though. Wow ... the girls don't have chins!! O__o
So after basically raising triplets, do you have any hair left? It's good to know that they all survived and are now enjoying their "terrible twos".
Yeah, I'd say newborn twins can definitely keep one from writing in a journal. :D Life's gotta be easier with so many adults around to take care of the little tykes, as crazy as it all is. *grins*
Glad the moms are getting along so well and are even able to coordinate the nap times enough to get some time to breath. *cheers*
Hahahaha!! *cheers loudly from the peanut gallery* Couldn'ta happened to a more deserving fellow. *winks at the Shiny one*
Deanna looks very cute! Let's how the chin/jaw doesn't sprout when she gets older. ;) Hmm, you can see a hint of Chin/Jaw (capitalization intentional) on Elizabeth, I think.
Aww, there's nothing wrong with being a brunette! *peers at her own hair color*
Happy birthday Danny!
*frowns at the Shiny One* You need to tell me what's wrong with brunettes, bub. And don't you go blaming it on Shante, 'cause I ain't buying that! *crosses her arms over her chest and taps her foot impatiently*
They looked better before. *sets her jaw stubbornly*
*blinks* You were able to send the mom's back to work that fast? Mine never seem able to go back to work until the toddlers are nearly children, which frustrates me no end!
Congratulations, Laurel! *cheers* Wow, congratulations on FIVE promotions! That's fantastic! *cheers*
*snickers at Chris and Danny* That's probably a bit too advanced for the boy, don't you think? *grins*
Glad to see the cousins all get along so well. :-D
*faints at the lack of a cliff-hanger* Are you feeling well, Shiny? *peers*
@Aero: I don't have a problem with brunettes. Heck, my hair is brown. No, Shante's hair color is a sickening brownish-green, and that's the hair color the twins inherited.
As for their jaws.... they're Children now... and it looks like Shante's jaw is beginning to express itself on both of them. :/
*blinks* your flooring and walls clash and make my eyeballs burn.
so you survived, this is good news! Just imagine if both had twins *grins*
at least they can play and have some fun. this age you dont have to worry about their social either.
At first, I thought the "baby in a blanket" thing was a great idea, rather than nekkid babies lying about alla time (ala Sims2), but I'm starting to turn. They do look like larvae. *nose wrinkles*
my word - you are a brave soul! 3 toddlers at once is at least ONE too many! :DD
Congrats on all the promotions - I'm amazed anyone got any skilling time in w/all those weebies about. lol - and I love to see the subject balloons when they teach toddlers to talk that's hysterical! I'm going to reserve remarks on the girls yet, but Danny looks quite cute - he's sure got the family eyebrows! ^_^
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