"It's these little things, they can pull you under.
Live your life filled with joy and wonder.
I always knew this altogether thunder
was lost in our little lives."

Alexander English wasn't like most babies. Oh, he had been conceived and born like other children. His Mommy and Daddy took excellent care of him, and he wanted for nothing. Even at his tender age, he loved his parents deeply. Mommy even undertook the unpleasant job of teaching him how to Use The Potty, for which he was grateful. Nothing worse than waking up with a cold surprise in his shorts.

However, he had no idea what, if anything, she intended for him to learn with her follow up demonstration.

His Mommy and Daddy has often said what a bright boy he was, possibly even a Genius. Well, it turns out, they were correct. Already he had an awareness far ahead of what another baby would, and the reason was beyond imagining.
Children are born possessed of an ignorance of their future. Their developing minds only focus on learning, discovery, and exploration of their worlds, with an undercurrent of anticipation for what comes next. They don't know what awaits at the end of their lives.
Alexander however, does know.

He was only a few days old when Mommy and Daddy had invited Grandma and Grandpa Grisby over to meet him. Grandpa had settled onto the couch to play video games with Daddy, when all of a sudden, he rose from the couch, and died. A strange figure had come to "Collect" Grandpa, and even though Mommy had tried to shield Alex by putting him in his crib, he had caught a glimpse of that grim harvester of souls, and in that instant, his veil of ignorance had been lifted.
He knew what no baby should - that life may be long and joyful, filled with wonder and happiness, but it was finite. What awaited at the end of Life, was Death.

He had watched his mother consoling Grandma. He had watched Grandma comforting Mommy, after her pain and sadness got the best of her, afterwards.

He realized, as best he could even at his young age, that a good life was not a right, it was a privilege, and one that had to be seized to its fullest. He wasn't scared. He had his mommy and daddy, and he knew they would be there for him, for as long as they could. Then, when he got big like them, he would take care of them.

He learned even quicker when his Daddy was there to teach him how to best make use of his toys, or when Mommy would show him which blocks went in which holes in his Peg box. Even with the lifted shroud of ignorance, his brain was still immature, and the learning was useful, and enjoyable.

Yes, Alexander knew he was blessed. And when he got older, he promised himself, he would be the best son they could have asked for. But right now, he could use another trip to the Potty Chair. After a Snuggle from Mommy, of course.
Awwwww ... what a cute update. Hmm ... maybe "cute" is the wrong word. Profound maybe? Insightful? Just really cool. :O)
Awww. Poor little Alex to lose his innocence so young. But maybe it's a blessing. He sounds like he wants to live his life to the fullest.
Alex is such a happy looking baby there! :-D Heh, he's supposed to learn to use protection when having sex, I think was the follow-up demonstration. *snicker*
Poor kid, having to witness his grandfather's death. :-( No baby should see that.
That's kinda sad that he had his innocence stripped away so young. Hopefully he'll still be able to play and have fun, not worry all the time about death and dying. *comforts Alexander*
ouch. met the grim one i see. jaded at such a young age!
yowza - and he didn't hardly get to know his grandpa. Kinda makes you think twice about inviting elders over if there's always a chance that Grim's just around the corner! :|
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