Hey now, little speedyhead,
the read on the speedmeter says
you have to go to task in the city
where people drown and people serve.
Don't be shy. Your just deserve
is only just light years to go.
the read on the speedmeter says
you have to go to task in the city
where people drown and people serve.
Don't be shy. Your just deserve
is only just light years to go.
From the Diary of Latricia English:
Well, Diary. Today is the day. All our bags are packed, and we're ready to go. We're just going over a few streets, so we won't be leaving on a jet plane.

Of course, being part of a rich household, with the support of my loving husband, my son, and even my brother-in-law's family, I had a very uneventful pregnancy, and it didn't seem like long before we were driving home from the hospital with Justin Laurence English.

My husband's just lucky he's still alive to come with us. A week ago, he came home from work in an Astronaut's uniform! My husband had succeeded in his Lifetime Wish to be an astronaut, just like his big brother!

"Are you sure about this Chris? You guys don't need to leave, this house has plenty of room for everyone. I mean geez, Justin has Mom's old room all to himself."
"Yes, I know Alex, but, the kids' graduations are coming up fast. They're going to be adults themselves, looking to start families of their own. You guys need the room to prepare for the next generation - there's not enough room for the kids' future spouses and kids, regardless of who the Heir is."
"But Chris, while Dad specifically said the Heir didn't have to be male, the next Heir does have to live on this lot. If Danny moves from here, he won't be eligible to be Heir. Is he okay with that?"
"Yes, I asked him about it the other day, when he was tossing his brother in the air. I asked him if he was interested in being the Heir, and he said 'Dad, I may be a Daredevil, but I'm not crazy.' He laughed as he said it, but clarified that he didn't want that kind of responsibility. Like me, he thought it was something only Dee and 'Beth were eligible for, since they're your kids."
"Chris, I hadn't ruled out anyone - the rules only specify the next generation Heir must be of the family bloodline. But on another note... this house is technically part yours - your paychecks went into the family fund to build it, just like Trish's."

"Lucky for you you never broke any of my toys."
"True... but, it's okay, big brother. All our years flying jets together, this was a great house to come back to, but I think the Legacy will be better served by us moving out, so whichever of the girls becomes the Heiress, can have more room to tell their story. Plus, I'm not sure I want to be here when you get all old and gray."
"You realize, the only reason you're not in a headlock for that, is I don't want to wake Justin here? But seriously, feel free to spend what you need to buy a nice house. It's not like we won't see each other again."
"Oh, we'll see each other again, surely. Danny will want to be here for his joint birthday party with the girls."
"Don't call me Shirley."

Oh, the taxi's here. It's time to go. I think I'll make my boys sit in the back.