This is not that story, either.
When we last left our Founder, he was sitting on his bed, doing a whole lotta nothing. Contemplating his situation (and his bank balance); young Brian decided to actually get started on improving his life.

Actually, my goal right now pretty much consists of building a house, so the whole neighborhood doesn't have to watch while I'm using the toilet.
Hush, you. Here, I had you buy some books at the bookstore. Why don't you sit on that bench and read the Logic one? You'll need to up your logic skill to get promoted.

A computer? What about things like a floor, a stove, your own shower, for starters?
And how much Fun could I have with those? When you point to a floor or a stove, do you see anything there that looks like fun when you click on it? I didn't exactly see a "Stare At Wall" action... I'm a Computer Whiz. Having Fun with computers is kinda what I do.
Okay, I see your point. Anyway, I see that's Hal Breckenridge sitting next to you. He's your new boss, when you start tomorrow. Why don't you say hello to him?
I don't have to yet. It's Logic I need. I don't see myself as the "Suck Up to Boss" type.
Whatever. Anyway, I'm not going to let you totally waste this excursion into town. I want you to start talking to women; see if you can find any that are single and possibly compatible. You're not getting any younger.
What? I have to find a woman myself? I'm not going to find one magically living next door, oddly receptive to all my advances?
Nope. This is a Legacy. You're going to have to do this the hard way. Hey look, over there by the front of the bookstore - she looks nice. Go talk to her, now that you've gotten that Wish to Learn the Logic skill fulfilled.

* several minutes of conversation pass *
Well? How did it go? What have you learned?
For starters, her name is Shirley Lin. Her voice is a little high pitched, but she thought I was being friendly. Which I was. I even Brightened her day a bit.

No, actually. She's actually single! And a Hopeless Romantic, just like me! I think she might be the one!
Easy, Romeo. She's the first woman, heck, the first Sim you've spoken to. We'll keep her at the top of the list for now, but we're gonna see who else is out there in Townie-land. I don't think you're quite ready to be "bringing honeys back to the crib" just yet.

This is a Legacy Challenge. Emphasis on "Challenge". There's not going to be any Kachinging or Motherloding here. You want a better house, you're going to have to earn it.

If I'd bought you a shower, I couldn't have afforded to buy you a bed. You want to sleep on the grass, go visit Alice and Kev.
All right, all right. Anyway, it's time for me to head off to work for my first day.

Beats me. Looks like it, but I can't read Simlish.
That doesn't make any sense!
Neither did the fact that you were reading on your bed last night, and didn't seem to care that it was Dark. Anyway, that's all the time we have for this one. Please try to work yourself to the bone so you can get promoted quicker.
What happened to the benevolent, just, and fair Creator I've seen in your earlier entries?
That fair, benevolent Creator had more than eighty five bucks to work with. Now get to work!
BAAHAHAHAHHA!! You're so cruel to your simmie, Brian. :O))
LOL stare at walls action would be helpful in the beginning of the legacy
rotf! Of course he needs a computer first - get your priorities straight man! XDD
and Thank God for the gym & their showers, or dear Brian would just be stinky for the first few days.
hmmm... I wonder if they can take a sponge bath in S3?
Best of luck w/Shirley!
You know, these other stories that this one isn't sound pretty intriguing... where can we find them at? *wink*
I find Brian's short-term goal to be quite admirable, actually. The whole town -shouldn't- have to watch him take a leak!
Good luck with Shirly! (My founder wound up with the first guy she met. It's like fate or something... especially since Hal was her guy!)
Hehe, good to see he's trying to maintain some semblance of control in his life and using logical arguments against you to get what HE wants. *smirks* But goodness, he does seem to be getting a bit snarky with you there. *grins* And hey, public bathrooms are good enough for starters, silly boy! *pokes sim-Brian*
Poor guy though. He knows all about how generous and kind you were to your other simmies and he winds up getting the short end of the stick. *comfort*
heh. he's sassy. I like that
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