"You move across, innocence lost,
all static and desire,
you're blue in the face from navel gaze,
you set yourself on fire."
all static and desire,
you're blue in the face from navel gaze,
you set yourself on fire."
Ha! I bet you didn't think I could do it!
You're right, I didn't think you could do it. But, for next time, I think a sponge would work better than the macaroni salad.
Wait, what? No, I'm not talking about that... I mean, I bet you thought I'd never find another romantic prospect besides Shirley Lin!

Yeah, I noticed that, too. Her name is Laurel Grisby. I met her near the diner the other night. She seemed a bit Flirty when I was first speaking to her, but, she's got a great Sense of Humor. We hit it off very well.

She was telling me about some of the Art she is fond of. Maybe she can help me with my painting skill so I can get promoted past Sketch Artist. She also told me she's very Handy with a wrench... which will be useful the next time that cheap toilet breaks down.
You lead such a hard life. What does she do for a living?
She doesn't have a job, she told me. I asked her what career she might be interested in, but she didn't seem concerned too much.
Wait. No job? Where does she live?
Um, I didn't really ask. I thought part of the rules were she had to move in with me, not me with her. Things only got better from then on, though, I know you'll be happy with this!

Uh... her parents will pay for it? Did you even learn where she lives yet?
Oh, yeah, the next day, I decided to pay her a visit, so I could meet her parents. Turns out the address she gave me was literally across the street from this big lot I have! Take a look at just the bottom floor of her house!

Stop! Stop right there. Does she live here, with her parents?
Uh... yeah. I guess that's why she doesn't seem to need a job - turns out her parents are loaded!
Oh no, that means....
Means what? Why are you acting so strange, anyway?
Because, even though you're a Crime Scene Technician, you're one of the most OBLIVIOUS Sims I've ever had the dubious honor of monitoring! If her parents are rich, and she lives with them... THAT MAKES HER A RICH SIM!
Uh... well, yeah. She's rich, so what? She likes what I've done with the house so far, and hopes we can build it up for our future descendants...
Dude, didn't you real ALL the Legacy rules? You're the Founder..... you're not permitted to marry a rich Sim!
Wait, I can't? I can't marry her? But we're in love... we're ENGAGED.
Okay, okay... we might be able to salvage this. Tell me you haven't hit the Save button yet.
I SAID, Tell Me you haven't hit the Save button yet!!
Uh, well, you see, I wanted to make sure that nothing could interfere with us getting married, so I kinda hit the Save option after she said Yes to marrying me.... I mean, it's taken long enough as it is.... your "Less than a week" you mentioned last update turned out to be TWO DAYS. I've only got 19 days left until I become an Elder, and I'm not even married yet.
Say something. Tell me what happens next.
Sigh... there's not enough time. This is all my fault.... I should have guided you to finding a mate first off, rather that build up your house. I don't think we can continue with the Legacy Challenge.
Wait. What are you saying? Are you going to... *gulp* delete me? I've worked so hard... I've found a woman who wants to spend the rest of her life with me.... look how happy she is!

Wait! Please! Don't do it! We don't deserve to * click *
DOH!! Heh ... I feel good that a forum I'm a member of has decided to modify the legacy challenge rules so that our guys/gals can marry a "rich" sim. Granted, "rich" is only relative. Most rich sims when they move in only bring a couple thousand simoleons with them ... and nothing else. Seems they're only rich as long as they stay on their original lot. So anyway, one lady found someone who modified the rules to take a way points based on how much money the person moved in with. We're all very happy with this rule:
"I'd go a step farther and say that if a spouse brings more than 10k in cash and goods you deduct a point, and an additional point per 10k. So...
$1 - 9,999 = 0 points
$10,000 - $19,999 = -1 point
$20,000 - $29,999 = -2 points
and so on."
Did you really delete him???
zomg - I just zoomed in on that last shot & really - you don't want to be passing that girl's nose onto your future offspring!!
Ohhhh - but tell me that you didn't really delete him?!! that would break my pea-pickin' heart!
*opens her mouth to ask, then changes her mind and shuts her mouth* Anything that involves sponges and macaroni salads, I really don't want to know further details, I'm thinking. *shakes her head firmly*
Looks kinda like who?
It sounds like she's got a good mix of traits to compliment Brian's. And she seems kinda cute, from the far-away semi-dark picture you gave us of her. But being unemployed is fine! She can either get a job or start making money in one of the other ways. So long as she's not Rich, she's fair game. *nods*
Aw, man. :-( She's not allowed, per the rules. *sighs*
Geeze, dude, phail already? *shakes her head sadly* You really need to pay more attention to the information you get about Sims. *snickers*
Wow, poor Brian and Lauren. *hangs her head in sorrow* Legacy Challenges are a challenge for a reason. ;-)
*blinks at Ange* What forum did they modify the points on like that? And honestly, in TS3, I probably would have given a 0 deduction in points for a LOT less money, like §1-5,000. §10k in Sims 3 turns out to be quite a fair bit of money somehow, despite the fact that everything costs more.
That was suggested by Arki.. she posted it on the Sims3 site to see if Pinstar would go for it.
I never agreed to that rule nor am I 'happy' with it.
anyhow, there are more chapters. so you either moved them off the lot or started over or just said meh and kept going...
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