Long gone, intuition to assume are gone when we try.
Dream of a living jungle in my way back home when we die.

"Where we going, Mommy?
"We're going to go visit your great aunt Latricia, and my cousins, so they can meet you," Elizabeth replied as she walked to the curb, with Cassandra in her arms. Cassandra looked puzzled as Elizabeth hailed a cab, even though the household had three cars available to them.

"Why not take red zoom zoom car, Mommy?" Cassandra asked as they got into the back seat of the cab.
"Because, toddler seats don't exist in this world, for some unfathomable reason," Elizabeth replied. Cassandra blinked, and hugged her mother around the neck with a giggle.
"Mommy say funny things!"

A few minutes later, Elizabeth and Cassandra arrived at Chris and Latricia's house on Cypress Lane. Christopher wasn't home, but her aunt Latricia was more than happy to invite them in.

While Elizabeth got reacquainted with her cousin Danny, her Aunt Latricia played with Cassandra. Elizabeth thought she was anxious for grandchildren of her own, but Danny was still single, it seemed.

Near the end of their visit, Justin English arrived home from school. Elizabeth hadn't seen him since he was a toddler, but he seemed to have grown up well... until he tried to Mooch five simoleons off her. Unluckily for him, Cassandra's bladder bar was getting dangerously low, so Elizabeth excused herself and called home to Grandpa English's teleporter; which beamed the two of them home in a flash of light.

Unfortunately for the family that was still in mourning over Alexander's passing, another flash of light engulfed Grandma Shante shortly after Elizabeth and Cassandra arrived home. Kevin will never forget his grandmother's last words; "Don't forget to make sure the oven's turned off..." as her body faded to translucence.

Once again, the Grim Reaper arrived on the English grounds to collect another member of the family. Shante's spirit had begged briefly for more time, but apparently, Grimmy was tired of seeing these people, and poofed her with a swipe of his scythe.
Creator's Note: I was expecting her to shake his hand like everyone else had so far - she'd achieved her LTW as well. Sorry that she doesn't get a long, drawn out death scene... I'm kinda dry after Alex's.

Her grandson Kevin, who was present for her passing, took it upon his Party Animal self to strike up a conversation with the Grim Reaper, who oddly hung around after dispatching Shante. They struck up a bit of a conversation, with Grimmy making the odd comment that he had excellent teeth.
Two deaths, so close together, had thrown the English clan into emotional chaos... the poor folks seemed to be constantly mourning one or the other for the next few days. To their credit, Zebulon and Brendan were right there to console and comfort their wives.

Of course, if there's one thing Death causes in the English household, it's unprotected WooHoo.
And now for something completely different. A gathering of ghosts.
This might get pretty crowded in a few generations.
That's totally understandable, Brian (you being dry after the last death scene).
*tickles Brian for leaving the puking cliffhanger* ;O)
That last shot ... man! Look at all the ghosts!!
heh. yes comforting their spouses usually do result in wee ones.
oy, i thought you reigned in those ghosts... what are they doing running free again? o.O
Cassandra's pretty observant for a toddler. *grins* Heh, I guess you always take a cab when you're going somewhere with a young kidlet? I haven't taken mine out anywhere.
I do like the whole way families continue to grow up together. Although I really wish non-playable houses could actually find people and get married too. It seems they'll only find a boy/girl-friend and get knocked up, but not actually marry and move into a house together. :-( EA needed to do a little better on the AI with that stuff.
Aww, poor Justin, failed his mooch roll. *snicker*
Aw. *sniffles* Bye Shante! You lived a long and happy life and have a wonderful family to carry on after you with. Enjoy the darkness with your beloved husband. ;-)
Grimmy was tired of coming there to reap souls, but he was happy enough to hang around and chat up Kevin? *ponders* Maybe he just wanted to get the reap over with so he'd have the excuse to socialize. I can't imagine he gets a lot of stimulating conversation wherever he's relegated to in between collecting souls. *grins*
*snorts* I think Zebulon and Brendon may have "consoled" their wives a bit too vigerously there. *snickers*
Haha! Yeah, I think that's definitely going to get a bit crowded in a few more generations. And they're gonna eat you out of house and home. (And how is that fair that uncontrollable, truly DEAD ghosts, eat your food?!?)
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