Why're you trying to second guess me?
I am tired of second guessing
What will be your look this season?
Be in my club, write a book this season
Creator here. It's been a while since I've played Sims 3, what with Other Stuff going on, so this Dead Letter Office will serve two purposes - To reassure people I haven't forgotten, and second, to hopefully rekindle my interest... I've no idea how exactly to write Chapter 31, even if I had enough screenshots for it. Which I don't.
Here's Liz's car, the Montalcino Fandango SE, that you get from the Collector's edition version of Sims 3. It costs $73k, and it took until the third generation of playing honestly to have the spare cash for it. It is however, awesome. It's FAST, appropriately, but, not as fast as a teleporter. *enigmatic grin*
Here's an old screenshot, but a funny one. Soon after Alex aged to Young Adult, their house was visited by a burglar. Believe it or not, it was the SAME burglar that robbed Brian waaaaay back then. Anyway, the cop actually LOST the fight, so I had Alex give it a try, being Brave, with a few points in Athletic skill.
Not only did he win, he got $500 from the cop. If the cop wins the fight, you get nothing. Figure that one out.
Somethings in this game still don't make sense. Here's a old shot of Shante helping teenage Deanna with her homework. Sitting on the floor. With A TABLE WITH SIX EMPTY CHAIRS behind them. Not to mention the other table and chairs in the dining room.
Speaking of teenage Deanna, here's the result of her asking the ghost of her grandfather to clean the house. Dee, he never cleaned when he was alive....
I can just imagine Absent-Minded Latricia thinking to herself "Now, how did this happen?" This is from when she spun into maternity clothes with pregnant with Justin.
Up to four people can play video games at once, in case you were wondering. I love the serious faces on Deanna and Alexander.And now for something completely different. A room with new carpet and wallpaper, for its new occupant.

Hey! :)
Another funny story, ha?! :D love it.
I've just add you to my friends list (thesims3.com), I'm "playerAnaS2".
Keep on doing this, 'cause I'm not the only one enjoying it :P
P.S.: You don't need to translate anything...I know English (sometimes I make some mistakes, it's normal ^^).
Heh. You are KILLING me with the wallpaper in the baby's room. The combination of it and the carpet ... while it doesn't hurt as much as some other rooms ... WOO!! @_@;;
Heh. Yeah. Sims, no matter how much "intelligence" EA tries to give them ... are still stupid.
I know what you mean about trying to find the drive to play and write for TS3.
Really? The sports car goes faster than other cars? That's so cool!
Hah! Way to go Alex! *cheers* Glad at least -someone- was able to stop the thief. *glances at the cop*
Yeah, it always bugs me when they sit on the floor instead of at a table. At least, if you're gonna sit on the ground, do it outside, where you'd get some sunshine on your, er, well, not your face, 'cause you're looking down at your assignment. On the back of your neck? Doesn't have quite the same ring, but oh well.j
*giggles at Latricia*
Really? Not just 2? Okay, now THAT makes video games almost worth it! *giggles* (Although whenever the Diobhells use their game, they break their television. *snorts*)
Welcome baby whoever! *waves hello* Let's hope you don't get some sort of psychological damage from that wallpaper. *snickers* And people wonder why women don't let guys decorate. *snickers at the Shiny One*
ah some memories. nice. but erm... ya that wallpaper and carpet. o.O ouch!
*tickles the shiny one*
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