This here is the place I will be staying.
There isn't a number. You can call the pay phone.
Let it ring a long, long, long, long time.
If I don't pick up, hang up, call back, let it ring some more.
If I don't pick up, pick up... The sidewinder sleeps, sleeps, sleeps in a coil
Call me when you try to wake her up. Call me when you try to wake her.
There isn't a number. You can call the pay phone.
Let it ring a long, long, long, long time.
If I don't pick up, hang up, call back, let it ring some more.
If I don't pick up, pick up... The sidewinder sleeps, sleeps, sleeps in a coil
Call me when you try to wake her up. Call me when you try to wake her.
Hello? Anyone awake? Deanna? Elizabeth? Hmm... everyone's asleep.
Hang on, there's a light on in the kitchen...

Zebulon? What are you doing up this late? Or rather, this early?

I see my reputation precedes me. Well, since you're awake, might as well spill it.

Hmmm... not bad. What about Jessica, your daughter?
I know who she is, Creator-dude. Oh, she blew out her cake right after that.

Nope. That's my little Jessica, box-stock, as it were. Notice how she's got the exact same hair color as her mother?
Yes... that's REALLY odd because...
...Because that isn't Deanna's natural hair color. Or mine, for that matter. What was in that potion Great-Grandma Laurel used to dye Dee's hair?
Beats me.... it didn't seem to have the quite the same effect on Elizabeth - both Cassandra and Andrew inherited Brendan's hair color.

Deadly, you mean. I swear, people are going to start screaming in fear if they get a birthday invitation from us! Remember how Aunt Latricia showed up, but Uncle Chris didn't?

* facepalm * Oh Me, another comedian. Anyway, so what happened next?

Whoops, hold up for a second, the table is floating.

Yeah. Turns out whomever, or rather, Whomever, redid the cemetery put the gate back on, so now the ghosts can come back at night.

Yeah. At least they don't eat anything... occasionally they get something from the coffee maker, but that's about it. Whoops, hear that? Jessica's awake. Time for me to go finish teaching my little girl how to talk. Later, Creator.

Congrats on the win, Brendan!
*pinches Andrew's cheeks* Such a cutie! Happy birthday, little one.
Awww! *pinches Jessica's cheeks too* She's adorable! (And congrats on her transitioning with a cute hairstyle!)
*sniffles* Sorry to see you go, Latricia. *mourns* And I think Zeb's onto something about people not accepting invitations to parties anymore.
"Oh Me"? *snickers at the Shiny One* But yeah, I think Grimmy's going to become best friends with Kevin at this point. I wonder what that'll mean when it's his time to die. *ponders*
Heh, gee, I wonder who put a gate on the fence around the cemetary. *giggles* And really?? Your ghosts don't take food from the fridge?!? Mine do! Like every freaking night!
*blinks* He's teaching her to talk about books about coffee? *blinks again*
Cute little update, even if there was yet another death in there!
((WOOT!! First to comment! *boogies*))
Can we call Andrew "Cue Ball" for a nickname? Kid has no hair!! :O) But he is cute. Interesting expression he has on his face there at his transition. *snicker* Jessica is cute, too. Sims 3 genetics is not intuitive. *blinks*
Sims totally like to die on your lot, don't they, Brian. *LOL* But that was sweet of Zeb to plan the sunflowers to beautify the plain tombstone. :O) Decent of him!
Just cuz one is a good acquaintance of The Grim One, doesn't mean that he's going to cut you a break when it's your time to go. Just look at "Meet Joe Black". :O))
Didja put the gate back on the Ghost Pen for a reason, Brian? :O)) Hehe! Nice shot of the floating table though.
Teaching Jessica about cooking is he? :O)) Great update!
And the circle of life continues.
i dunno .. i think talking about coffee/cooking is better than what Franklin teaches... so be grateful!
Maybe Zeb is teaching Jessica to drink lots of coffee when the ghosts are out & about so they don't wake her up?
Hey Shiny One - are you still around? Hadn't heard from you in awhile. :)
Hey Shiny One - you still around? Haven't heard from you in awhile.
Yeah, Suz, I'm around. Haven't played Sims 3 in months though... I seem to have simmed myself into a corner, though...
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