I could move again, suddenly! I almost fell over, having become accustomed to the Creator's powers holding me upright. Deanna's knees buckled... she must have been released too! Wait, she's slumping! No! I will NOT hear that sound again!

She reflexively wrapped her arms around me for support, but she recovered quickly, to stand on her own again, but she didn't let go of me. She looked at me, a mixture of hope and fear fighting for control of her face.
"Can you, Brian?" she asked, seemingly oblivious to the presence of the others. "Can you protect me from.. your associates?"

She smiled again, and broke out into a grin. "I believe you. I trust you. I love you," and kissed me back. I pulled her closer even as she did the same to me. We kissed long and hard, and when we finally broke, she threw her head back and laughed, with love and joy in her voice, combined with relief.

"There are decisions to be made," the Creator said. "All simple matters, yet not so simple. First of all, Deanna, do you wish to recover your previous name, even if not even I can recover your memory?"
In response, Deanna took the file from the Creator's hand, and opened it. Silently, she read the same FBI data sheet I had looked at, and flipped through the file without a word. She then snapped it shut, and handed it back to the Creator. "I don't know this woman," she said simply. "All I know is Deanna, and it's the name I survived this... trial with. I will keep it."
"Very well, then," the Creator said. He waved his hand, and suddenly a large bottle of green liquid appeared. It looked like a fancy water cooler, but the liquid inside was most certainly not water. He took a cup from the machine, and filled it. He then held it out to Deanna. "Drink this, and it will remove all effects of the medication you've been on, permanently. You'll get your strength and stamina back. You'll need it, when you leave here with Brian."

The Creator shook his head with a smile. "I said you could not arbitrarily 'take' her. She, however, now that she is fit and ready to leave, may choose to do as she wishes. She has chosen to be with you."
Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Carrie, and Leslie sitting motionless at the table. "Wait, I hope you've got enough of this stuff for the others.... I promised I'd save them too!"
The Creator looked at them and shook his head, slightly sadly. He snapped his fingers, and the three women came alive again, and they all turned to us. Anne actually walked out of the rec room... apparently she'd been just out of sight. "I know this, but they really aren't ready to leave yet. Carrie hasn't recovered fully from the shock of being swindled out of her inheritance. Leslie needs to stay until she is functional enough to recover her children, and Anne...."
At the sound of her name, Anne perked up. "What's the frequency, Kenneth?"

"What happened to Tammy, Jen and Sandy?" Deanna asked. "They were here literally a minute before Brian showed up."
The Creator turned to face her. "You already know Jen's story. I assume, Brian, you'll be using your connections to take over the running of this facility?"
I nodded. "Yes. I want them all to get better.... I'll tear this place to the ground and have it built new if it comes to that. But, what happened to Jen?"
"Jen has been removed to another location, until your organization can consolidate its control over here. I trust you'll be trying to come to an agreement with Lord Thomas' cult, to get her off their radar?"
"Oh, certainly," I responded. "Where are Tammy and Sandy?"
The Creator smiled somewhat enigmatically. "They have served their purpose, and are awaiting their next.. assignments."
"Assignments?" Deanna asked. "Do you mean they were working for... You?"
He turned to her and nodded. "That's one way of putting it. Even though here I am the Creator, when it comes to various challenges, I am merely One among Many. Part of the rules for this challenge is that there are to be eight inmates, no less."
"You mean," she said with a gasp, "they weren't actually patients?"
"Oh yes," He answered. "They were as loopy as the lot of you. They helped make the challenge, challenging for our hero here. Now that their work is done, they wait... somewhere safe, until they are needed again."
"They were here just to make my job more difficult?" I asked, not believing it completely.
"One does not get dirty laundry clean without agitation," He replied with a smile.
I turned to the three women. "But... I don't want to leave Carrie, Anne, and Leslie here. This place is still a dump even after what I've been able to do so far. It's going to take more than a few hours to rebuild this place."
Leslie, at the table, spoke up for the first time. "It's okay, Brian. We've managed this long, even during the times you were at work. We can handle ourselves for a time while you get things settled."
Carrie nodded in agreement. "Right... it's not like you won't be keeping watch over us, right? So we get the doctors and help we need?"
Deanna smiled and walked over to the table. I lifted an eyebrow, purely by reflex... Carrie had indirectly almost caused Deanna's death once... She reached to her and put her hands on Carrie's shoulders.
"Even if he doesn't, I will. You are all my friends, too, despite all that's happened. " She pulled Carrie to her for a friendly hug. "We'll both make sure you're taken care of."

"It's settled then," Deanna said with a smile as the doctor walked in. She then turned to me, a wordless question on her face.
I glanced to the Creator, who smiled and waved his arm towards Deanna in a theatrical manner.
"Come on, my love," I said with a smile. In an instant she was back in my arms. I kissed her and pointed to the door. Rocco reached over and opened the door. I turned one more time to Carrie, Leslie, Anne and the others. "Rocco, you and Snakes will stay here with the Doc to handle things for the time being. You will be in charge of their welfare, understood?"
"Yes, Leader," Rocco replied.
Turning to the side, I slipped my arm around Deanna's waist, and headed towards the open door. She wrapped her arm around me and was walking fast enough to drag me forward slightly with her.
"Now we're leaving."
As we stood in the afternoon sun, Deanna looked over the stretch limo that was waiting for us, the back door being held open by Snakes. "I hope you brought a driver," she murmured to me.

Brian ... did you forget to reset the image size for your pictures in-game? You should always check that. ;O) Mine was fine ... but sometimes when you install a patch or a new EP or SP, it changes back to the default. ;O)
Now ... on to my comment(s):
"One does not get dirty laundry clean without agitation."
I absolutely LOVE that!!! Hehe. Your "The Creator" has some good lines in him. Now I'm wondering if/how you'll continue telling the story of Brian and Deanna. And what abou the others who decided to stay behind in the asylum? Will you continue to tell their story? Will Brian REALLY be able to keep Deanna safe from his own people? Are "The Don's" people really loyal to him?
I hope these questions will be answered in future updates. ;O)
Aww, that's sweet that he caught her before she fell. :-) I'm glad he's confident in his position in the Organization and I hope he's right. But I'm not so sure the retired Don will agree (and one thing is clear, retired Dons are never REALLY retired, unless, you know, they're "retired").
Hehe, guess she was getting too old, eh? *grins*
LOL! Poor Anne. She truly is bonkers. Well, at least the institution was fixed up a fair bit before you leave. Maybe even make the walls something prettier than icky stone before you go for good?
*blinks* Tammy and Sandy were plants, eh? (So what REALLY happened to them?) I'm glad to hear the other girls will be taken good care of though.
*snickers* Freedom makes her randy, does it? *giggles*
So what was the fish supposed to be for?
Angelia: Yes, Brian will be able to keep her safe. As soon as I find the fish, you'll find out why. :D
Nope, their story is not over. :D
Aero: No, the elixir of life was just there to "remove the meds" from her. None of them aged more than a day.
Tammy, Sandy, and Jen were "removed" simply so I could "move" the Creator, Snakes, and Rocco in. I didn't want to cheat to permit more than 8 controllable sims, and risk a fireball visible from space. :)
In the beginning, Anne was supposed to be at the table with Carrie and Leslie, but even with free will off, the women would keep talking. That's why Carrie was standing. I had to touch up Endgame after I had to move Anne to the other room and realized she wasn't in the shots. That's why she "Wandered in from the rec room" when the Creator turned on Free Will again. :)
And I didn't do anything to the shots. There's the same size they've always been. :)
Oh... there is a special treat I whipped up at work.... there are no pictures because... well, let's say there's no mod that can force these poses... :D
As for Carrie, Leslie, and Anne... I'm sure Deanna could be convinced to do a diary update in some point in the future when she has some free time.... and the Creator isn't playing FreeTime. :D
Find me the fish, find your answers! :D
well ... sappy ending.. hmmm I prefer drama ... I mean come on, she forgives her for trying to kill her? pfft too nice! LOL
ya .. fish .. um .. what do you need a fish for ??
Aww, a happy "ending."
lol - those *snaps* have such power! :D hehe - yay for catching the swooning female again *claps* And a happy ending for all?! wow! hehe - but yes, Anne needs to keep paddling a bit longer, methinks! :DD I really think she's just a pyro at heart. *nods*
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