"Yes, Leader."
"Remember, * no one * is to be harmed without cause. It is only their medications that keep these women here; there are no armed guards or orderlies of any kind. Be prepared for anything though."
These boys, Snakes and Rocco, were 'good' boys. Well, not necessarily good, but trustworthy and competent operatives. As we piled into the limo, I did all I could to keep the excitement off my face. Finally, after all these months in that hell, this was the day. This is the day I've worked, studied, stolen, cheated and lied for.
I am going to rescue my Deanna, and find a better facility for the others. I'm going to save them all. I have the skills, the money, the muscle, and the will.

I'd brought two soldiers with me, just in case someone decides to physically get in my way. Waiting in the limo, if needed, I brought a doctor we have on "staff". He should be able to counter the meds these women are on, once I get them away from this place.
The place looks the same it did this afternoon, but this time, I don't feel the crushing despair I usually feel, even after the renovations I had done. I'll never live here again. Neither will any of these seven women I've come to know. It's liberation day!
There is no need to break down the door. It's still unlocked, because it smugly knows no one leaving this place will get far on their own in this desert on the meds they inflict on patients.
I walk in to see Carrie and Leslie in the kitchen, and bowls of chili on the table. Deanna... my Deanna, is just stepping sway from our new dishwasher. She turns to see me. She knew that today is "the day", so her face has a mixture of emotions on it - anticipation, joy, plus an understandable amount of uncertainty, especially given the look of my new duds and the two ... associates with me.

Deanna's grin threatens to split her face, but the two at the table look oddly... distant. Their arms fall to their sides and their eyes suddenly look unfocused? Wait... where are the other four? Where are Anne, Sandy, Tammy and Jen?
I look to the right, through the archway to the rec room... I don't hear any guitar music or the TV on... I quickly check the "new" bedrooms... they're both empty.
"Deanna?" I ask. "Where are the others?" Deanna looks even more startled than I, and dashes into the rec room. When she returns, the confusion on her face is overriding all her other emotions.
"I... I don't know," she admits. "They... were here a second ago... Jen was playing the guitar just now... I didn't realize it had stopped. The guitar's on the floor like it was dropped..." Her gaze swung to the bedroom, and back to me.
"We'll find them. Let's go, we have a limo and a doctor ready. He'll take care of your meds. Carrie, Leslie, that includes you. Let's go!"
The two at the table didn't move. Deanna got her grin back and rushed for the door. Well, specifically she took two steps before suddenly stopping and standing up straight. To my shock, her face gained the blank look that the two at the table shared. Not quite the same, for her eyes were darting back in forth, like she was startled. Before I could say anything, I caught a sudden movement out of the corner of my eye. Rocco and Snakes had assumed the same pose Deanna had, but they had the glazed look on their faces. I tried to head for Deanna...

....but I couldn't move either, any more... What's happening? Why can't I...
No. Not yet.
Sinister-ness?!?!?! You can't leave it like that and give it a title like "Endgame"!!!!! That's just WRONG!!! *cries*
OH NO!!!!!!!!! What's going on?
No? not yet?! OMG .. you brat! *giggling* well done .. omg .. stupid cliff hangers .. what happened?!?!?!!!!
Heh heh heh....
Everything is proceeding as I have foreseen. :D
Part two is all ready to go... change one date and hit publish post is all it would take... :D All in good time. :D
mmwuahhahaha!!! You're SO BAD!! It's like you've been taking lessons or something. *looks around the room nervously*
let me guess, Dr. Frankenfurter is in the corner of the room with the Freez-o-Tron?! XD
Oooo, a mass breakout! *rubs her hands together* The door knows all that, eh? *wonders if Brian's release might be a smidge premature...*
Hmm, what mischief is afoot here? Carrie and Leslie are unresponsive and the other 4 are missing? Wow, that's some serious power going on there, even affecting the 2 thugs who aren't on any medications!
Oh, man, Brian, you're being smacked down by one wicked evil Controller! *tsks*
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