I'm almost glad I was at work, in a strange way. While Deanna managed to get a solid eight hours of sleep, it wasn't very restful. Tammy told me later how she'd tossed and turned in her sleep several times. No nightmares, though, and she seemed to be in good spirits when I got back from work. She must have been still hungry, for when I made omelets that day for the girls before I left, she ate not one, but two of them. We had a long talk when I got back, she's had this light in her eyes ever since I confessed how afraid I'd been for her safety, and how afraid I was to lose her. I have to get us all out of here, but Deanna... she's the one I have to save first, even though I can't save her without being able to save them all.
Oh, and Carrie? I was worried that the friction between the two of them would flare up where it had left off, but Carrie herself needed to sleep and eat as well, so fortunately they were able to coexist long enough for tempers, both Deanna's and Carrie's, to cool down. Maybe Deanna's brush with death shocked Carrie to her senses. Maybe she too was tired and exhausted. Maybe all the guitar playing that's been going on has soothed her.

I realize there isn't a lot for these women to do here. Aside from the guitar, the TV, and the bookshelf, there isn't much in the way of entertainment, and so pretty much all of them play the guitar for chance they get. They usually play it for hours without stopping. Anne and Leslie, to name two, have been practicing for so long, I don't think either of them can get any better at playing it.

I began to relax a little when Carrie and Deanna managed to actually have a few dinner conversations that didn't feature a lot of four and five letter words. Carrie must have been trying to make amends (or desperate for some fun to be had) when she playfully clocked Deanna with a pillow, trying to start a pillow fight. Well, Deanna wasn't quite at that point yet, and the pillow must have hit harder than expected, for Deanna walked away holding her nose, complained Carrie had almost broken it. To my relief (and surprise); the situation ended there with no flare ups.

(Creator again, here. Speaking of strange feelings... an odd thing happened at dinner the other night. It's day 18 and Summer here. It was the first day of Autumn when I started the PRC. Four of the women were eating dinner, so I scrolled over to the rec room to see what was going on there. When I looked back, there was a jar of fireflies on the table. I don't know where they came from - I hadn't seen any of them leave the center to catch them.)
Oh well... that's pretty much it for right now... judging from the smell wafting from the bathroom, the girls are about to get another chance to play "How Many Plunges Will It Take Brian To Unclog the Toilet." Life be my wild mistress...
SPOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOKYYYY!!! A jar of fireflies suddenly appeared on your table? *Muahahahhahahaaaaa!* I'm glad to see that there were no flare ups of the tempers that were running rampant in the last episode. Everyone needs to chill out!
Yay for more Creativity points for the inmates--more points for your score!
Darn.... I was hoping for at least one gasped "Gordon LIVES!!!" :)
Maybe if Magic wanders by again... :D
I'm glad she got a full stomach, a long night's rest (even if it wasn't too peaceful), and knows how much sim-Brian cares for her. *cheers*
Heh, well, you could always shoo Anne or Leslie off of the guitar, or anyone else who gets there for that matter, so Deanna can have a shot at it. :-)
Whew, lucky Deanna didn't go off on Carrie for hitting her so hard with the pillow! (Or for putting that stone into the pillowcase first... *whistle*)
what's wrong with the delivery guy? Hehe, I've had a jar of fireflies spontaneously appear on a table once. Same deal, I never saw my sim leave to go catch them. *shrugs* And that one wasn't even in an aslyum!
Who's Gordon? *blinks* Oh! Wait, THAT Gordon? Magic's Gordon? Heh, I'm so used to seeing the NPCs, it hardly registers when it's someone used in someone else's story ages and ages and ages and ages and *takes a deep breath* ages and ages ago. *nods and grins mischieviously at Magic*
Yep, Gordon Kim, the one and only. :)
As for Deanna and the guitar... she can be sitting on the couch and the guitar is free, and she doesn't play it.
She DID play the guitar yesterday, though... she was standing right next to that window watching it snow. (C'mon Deanna, you saw it last year...) She was literally standing right next to the guitar, and I think she only "noticed" it because she was slow close to it.
So, I showered her tip jar with money, and waited for her to finish, to see if she got a want fulfilliment. She didn't.
What kind of Wealth Sims did they give me here? They spend most of their time crying because of low meters, and don't even have a Want to Earn Some Money?
moving up in the Simprano family. TDF
*whew*~! I'm glad everyone survived and it sounds like the tempers have smoothed out again. :) Congrats on getting those creativity skills max'd - for your points as well as your own sanity. There's nothing worse than a house full of dormies that won't stay off the instruments and yet NEVER get any better!! XD
And woof - run from Gordon! errr - actually, maybe he could take one of the crazies off your hands! lol!
"How Many Plunges Will It Take Brian To Unclog the Toilet."
LMAO!! XD You're killing me!
*giggles at Aer's comments* I'll add one more "ages" and raise you an Eon. :DD
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