It's me again. Things have changed quite a lot since I last made and entry here. First of all, I'm now Mrs. Deanna Patience. Well, I suppose it's a big change from being Miss Deanna Patience, I guess. More on that later.
Brian and I had been riding in the limo for hours when it suddenly stopped in front of a house. It was still in the desert, and Brian said "We're here."
We got out of the limo (was I glad we had that blanket), and as I did, Brian said to me, "Welcome home, Deanna." This house is ours? I couldn't believe it. Somehow he'd managed to buy us a house and have it furnished while we were in the limo making.... uh... making wedding plans. Still no eraser on this pen...
Anyway, Brian waved off the driver, and the limo pulled away. I guess we didn't need it; since there were two Hunka 711s in the driveway! One red, and one pink? "Brian," I said, "not that I object to a little display of wealth after what we've been through, but why do you need TWO cars?"
"I don't, my love," he said with a smile. He pointed to the pink car. "This one is yours." I remember clasping both hands over my hands over my mouth in surprise... I don't even remember being taught how to drive! I'd also forgotten I needed my hands to keep the blanket in place, so I kinda dropped it. No one here but Brian, so it really didn't matter.
We spent the next few days pretty much getting used to the house and this town. Apparently this town we've settled in is named Strangetown. It's a small town in the middle of the desert, but still close enough to Brian's... uh, workplace. We went clothes shopping nearby... this town is small, but it seems to have everything we need.
Brian had been a little grumpy at the beginning... he kept looking at the walls in our bedroom muttering about weatherproofing and roofs. Planning our wedding and honeymoon cheered him up though... well that, and the painting he's been doing. The one he's hung up in our living room is kind strange looking though.
He had good news for me, not two days after we moved in here. Apparently he and Lord Thomas' people had come to an agreement. Jen has become a full employee of his "cult"; sworn to absolute secrecy, in exchange for a hearty paycheck. When he told me the amount, I told him for that kind of money, I'd keep my mouth shut too.
One day before he had to leave for "work", he told me to expect a surprise visitor that evening. He hoped to be home in time to see the visitor too, but when he saw I was a tiny bit nervous, he gave me a hug and said "Don't worry my love. You'll smile when you see them."

"Yes, Brian told us about the wedding. He didn't think you'd mind, but he wanted me to tell you he's invited them to the wedding."
"Mind? I'd insist on you all being here! Uh.... how's Anne and the whole 'fire' tendency of hers?" This made Tammy laugh. She said they haven't had to change the battery in the smoke detectors yet.
I'm skipping ahead a bit to the wedding. True to his word, he'd invited all our friends from the PRC! The only other guest was Warren from Sue's Hidden Kitchen... we'd become acquainted from that cooking contest I entered, and won, with that "Comfort Soup" recipe I'd learned!

Bye for now, Diary! I'll catch up with you in a few days, I hope!
Wedding, Wedding, a happy, happy wedding!!! ;O)) *boogies* Why weren't WE invited to the wedding?! ;Op~ *LOL* Of course, I guess we were technically invited ... y'know ... considering we saw everything. ;O) I never thought about using the bubble blower ... that's a good idea!!!
But congrats to the happy couple!
aw... another dang happy ending?! *giggles* where's the fish?
Well, Angelia... there are a few reasons I didn't invite you all..
1. I can only have 8 guests maximum...
2. I'd already invited six crazy women...
* runs off laughing evilly *
So just who was rude enough to be calling while the poor girl was exchanging vows?
Lisa: Some bald townie... wasn't even a FreeTime npc or anything I don't think.
Making wedding plans? HA! Shotgun wedding plans, more like, I suspect. *snickers* Hunk 711s? (Is this the name of one of the cars in the game?) Heh, I bet that's why he sprung the surprise on her like that, so she'd drop the blanket.
And what's up with NO PICTURES?!? How are WE supposed to oggle their pretty new house or shiny new cars if you don't show them to us? *pouts* Anyway... *continues on with reading*
Hehe, glad to hear Jen doesn't have to hide out anymore AND she's making nice money!
Hey, there's a kinda sorta peek at Deanne's pink car. Nice looking. And yay for visitors!
Congrats on winning the cooking contest! (Man, I wish my stupid dvd drive were working so I could install and play Free Time. *grumbles*)
Cute video, even with the freaky target circles on her hips! (Yeah, yeah, I know that's the cell phone. Still looks freaky.)
Heh, I hope that was one sturdy mattress they got in their room. *waggles her eyebrows*
*reading the comments*
Oooo, Brian, you SURVIVED that comment? *glances at Angelia*
*vows to remember the bubble blower idea*.
Is it a happy ending? I love the wedding and the idea of a PINK car yay!
yay!! Congrats to the happy couple! I hope they had a wonderful Twiikkii honeymoon too!
I love all the new beach stuff!
:DD at Brian muttering about the weatherproofing in the bedroom! I'm glad you found the problem.
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