One saying that can apply to the Sims as well as real life is "Life is what happens when you're making other plans." This is true in tonight's subject - the miscreant known as Dirk Dreamer.
Well, shortly after ol' Dirky-boy got cheesified after slapping Terry Singleton, he grew up to an adult, so I moved him out into his own place. One of the Sims I aged with him was Meadow Thayer, a Sim who seems to die in more stories than in ones she makes it to adulthood. I figured I'd hook the two of them up, and Grilled Cheese her, too.

The main reason I hooked them up was Meadow didn't mind it when Dirk talked about Grilled Cheese. So far, she hasn't minded having it for every meal.

She also didn't mind being proposed to over some Velveeta-Wonder Number Five. Which just goes to prove the old saying; "When faced with societal norms for behavior, women will continue to act in a way that baffles divine beings." At this point, she actually had zero chemistry with Dirk, even though he had two bolts for her.

She was more than happy to Move In, bringing $6000 simoleons, and even better, NINE family friends for Dirky-boy, who is just rocketing up the Oceanography career. Seriously, he's at level 9 already. She also brought the video game machine they're playing. This pic was taken right before Dirk put down the controller and proposed Marriage to her. Which she accepted, and I somehow forgot to get a picture of...

One strange thing was, Meadow turned out to have a job in the Business track as a Vice-President. This explains (weirdly) how she managed to Go To College between her First Kiss with Dirk and falling in love with him. I didn't even see her leave the lot. I guess the game won't let even an NPC have a Uni career without going to college, no matter how briefly.

Another strange thing "happened" after I gave her a makeover and took her clothes shopping. I'd originally planned to Grilled-Cheese her too, but somehow, after she moved in with and married Dirk, I couldn't bring myself to do it - she didn't deserve it. Dirk deserved it, but she doesn't. When she was just a Townie, I had no trouble planning her baptism of Brie, but after Dirk fell in love with her and she moved in, she became one of "my" Sims. and, she hasn't done anything to deserve Cheeseification.

I'm just a big darn softie. Here's their house, which has been expanded in size, and upgraded since I moved Dirk in. I stopped myself from having them Try For Baby, because it would be odd in My mind if they had children before my "main" teens went to college; even though he is technically older.
Another thing I learned.... if you give a Grilled Cheese Sim a Secondary Aspiration, do it for the benefits, not for the Wants. Because, their Wants don't change. For this reason alone I didn't make Meadow even a Secondary GCS.
One last thing - if you age up Meadow Thayer, give her some bigger eyebrows... they were almost invisible on her until I changed her appearance.
So Meadow Thayer was saved from "Cheesification" because you've got a soft spot for her. Awwwww!! Isn't that sweet! ;O)) Heh. But that's neat that she managed to go to college during the time it took for you to blink. ;O} *cackles*
Dirk turned into a very handsome young man.
You still need some custom content hair, man!!
I don't look at a life of GC as being punished. Behold the Power of Cheese!
BTW, Business is a base game career, not Uni. I've seen that with sims I've grown up, too.
What bites is that they get the college memory, but not the extra want slots.
trying this again. I think blogger hates me today...
i'm with lisa, i dont think GC is such a bad thing considering other options
as for meadow .. she makes pretty babies
What thet said *points up* Cheese Power! Your just a big ole lump of soft melting cheesie goodness ain't ya?
I’m glad to see Dirk was allowed to find someone, even if it had to be Meadow. *grins*
*blinks* What was that little adverb you totally and completely made up, buster? *taps her foot, arms crossed tightly over her chest* Huh, I didn’t know one person could have different bolts for someone than the other person.
Really? I didn’t think going to college had anything to do with getting a University career. I thought it just means you started out lower in the working food-chain than if you had a degree. (And less wants, too, obviously.)
Geeze, Ange is right. You are a big softie!
Ha, very cute! So what aspiration IS Meadow naturally?
SuziCat: She's Family, primary... I forget what I made her secondary...
Been playing WoW a lot with 2.4 :)
lmbo! Of course, the minute that a cute blonde moves in & flashes a winning grin, the men just melt! ;) And that could be dangerous for a GC sim, lol!
Dirk is braver than I thought! But best of luck to both o' them - I can't think of anyone who deserves them more...
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