With the restraint of New Order covers, young marble giants
I sat quietly waiting
For someone else to make the first move
Someone has to make the first move...
That someone is you
That someone is you
That someone has pulled me up and out of cartoon quicksand
Pulled me up and out of me!"
"There you are! Come here, mister!"
"Liz...? What happened to you? You're gorgeous! Uh, I mean, uh, even more gorgeous! Did you get a makeover or something?"
"We'll discuss it in a minute. Now bring those lips over here."
* Slllllluuuuurrrrrrp smooch grope giggle *
"Hey, Brendan..."
"Yes, Liz?" * slurp *
"There's a new 'option' for the shower.... want to try it out?"
"A new option? What kind of new option?"
"Let's just say the shower now allows couples to kill two birds with one stone, so to say. Three, if there are less than eight Sims on a lot, if you know what I mean..."
"Oh, really? Well, why don't we just..."
Don't even think about it, you two. We've got a big update to do, and I'm not about to let this blog get slapped with an adult rating.
"Aw, phooey, Creator. You're no fun. Anyway, Liz, why do you look so different? Does it have anything to do with why these... um, are bigger?"
Keep getting closer to that adult rating, Brendan. There's a nice empty tomb under the house now, just looking for urns to decorate it.
"Quit threatening my husband, Creator! Anyway, dear, we have the Creator to thank for it... more precisely, something called 'Generations' or something."I sat quietly waiting
For someone else to make the first move
Someone has to make the first move...
That someone is you
That someone is you
That someone has pulled me up and out of cartoon quicksand
Pulled me up and out of me!"
"There you are! Come here, mister!"
"Liz...? What happened to you? You're gorgeous! Uh, I mean, uh, even more gorgeous! Did you get a makeover or something?"
"We'll discuss it in a minute. Now bring those lips over here."

"Hey, Brendan..."
"Yes, Liz?" * slurp *
"There's a new 'option' for the shower.... want to try it out?"
"A new option? What kind of new option?"
"Let's just say the shower now allows couples to kill two birds with one stone, so to say. Three, if there are less than eight Sims on a lot, if you know what I mean..."
"Oh, really? Well, why don't we just..."
Don't even think about it, you two. We've got a big update to do, and I'm not about to let this blog get slapped with an adult rating.
"Aw, phooey, Creator. You're no fun. Anyway, Liz, why do you look so different? Does it have anything to do with why these... um, are bigger?"
Keep getting closer to that adult rating, Brendan. There's a nice empty tomb under the house now, just looking for urns to decorate it.
"How so?"
"Um... why don't You explain it, Creator? I'm not quite sure I understand it myself."
Oh, all right. Anyway, one new feature of the Generations Expansion Pack is now, with testingcheatsenabled, is the option to Edit a Sim in CAS, which does exactly what you think it does - it allows complete modification just like a Sim was a brand new one.
For example, here is Elizabeth before:

"Well, just because I came to accept it when I was a teenager doesn't mean I liked it. When the Creator asked me if I wanted my jaw fixed, I jumped at the chance. And I wasn't the only one."
"You weren't the only one? Wait.... you don't mean.... our daughter?"

"Yes, Cassie saw what it did for me, and she asked the Creator to do the same for her, too."
"But... Elizabeth. I loved you both the way you were. I'll continue to love you both forever, no matter what. Neither of you needed to do this, least of all not for me."
"We know, sweetheart. *smooch* But Cassie and I wanted to do this; for ourselves. Besides, the Creator did a great job on her, too."

"Yes, actually... the other kids weren't interested, but Dee decided to give it a try. She'd never quite liked how it looked like her cheekbones had been bashed in with a hammer, so she had a bit of work done on her cheeks."

"Oh yeah it did. The Creator also gave her a little more mass so she wouldn't look like she'd blow away in a gust of wind any more."
"That explains what she's been in a good mood lately... either that, or the $13k royalty check she got this Sunday."

"I wouldn't either... one question though... why did the two of them go to check out the kids' new treehouse after that kiss?"

"In common with the shower? Wait... you mean... well, that explains the two of them grumbling about splinters afterwards..."
Creator's Note: Good heavens, I laughed so hard after Deanna and Zebulon came out of the treehouse (The Sci-Fi hideaway, actually) post-WooHoo with the Splinter! moodlet. The description was worth at least $10 of the expac's price, in my easily amused opinion.
"Speaking of easily amused, Liz... what got into Andrew today? What was that about the shower and yellow dye? I heard Kevin, of all people, scolding him for something?"

"She must have loved that."

Creator's Note: That shot was actually triggered before Jessica triggered the booby trap - she was mainly ticked because Andrew wouldn't leave the bathroom to let her shower. I had to let her "fall" for it, because I didn't see any way to Undo the booby trap.

"Nope. I wouldn't have done that without discussing it with you first, but I did tell him, 'Okay young man, you've had your fun with your cousin; that one's free. Just don't come whining to Aunt Dee or myself when (not if) she gets revenge.'"
"Dad! C'mon! You promised! We've only got a little while before it gets dark!"
"Okay, Cassie, I'm coming! Back in a while, Liz. Our daughter has a new learner's permit calling out to her."
"Okay, dear. Have fun. Remember, one scratch on my car and Zebulon will be forced to reassemble the both of you using family photos and lucky guesses."

"Well, princess, she and I agreed that if you're going to learn to drive, might as well learn in a stickshift, just for future reference."
"But dad, you rarely drive this car. I think even Uncle Zeb has driven it more than you."
"Because, driving this car is like wrestling a crocodile. Now... gently apply pressure to the gas as you let up the clutch and..."

"Ack! I'm sorry, Dad!"
"It's okay, princess. Now this time, a little less gas and a little sooner with the clutch..."
* vrrrrrr..... chirp. Stall. *
* Thirty minutes later *

"Thanks, dad! This is fun! Shall we head home now?"
"Yes, but we'll take the long way... the farther we go, the less chance we have of your mother smelling the burnt clutch lining."
And now for something completely different. A bouncer with an unfortunate hairstyle.

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