I'm looking for an interruption,
do you believe?
You looking to dig my dreams
Be prepared for anything
You come into my little scene
Hooray hooray hip hip hooray
There's one thing I can guarantee:
You won't have to dig, dig too deep
Hello, Deanna.
Hmmm.... "The beauty of the sunset was nothing, compared to the love shining in her eyes..." Corny, but I think my readers will eat this up.
I said, Hello, Deanna!
* sigh * Well, that took longer than I thought it would. What do You want, Creator? I'm busy, here! Romance novels don't write themselves!
You should know the drill; I'm here to check up and see what the English family's been up to lately. So, what's been happening? Any exciting news to share?
Oh please, I may not be a Genius like my parents or my sister, but I still know crap when I hear it. Do you really expect me to believe that You don't know what's been going on around here? That You haven't had a hand in everything?
Hey, watch it, Deanna. You can't assume that everything in your life that happens is due to Me interfering. You're starting to sound like your mother, and you're not even Neurotic.
Oh? Explain this then. Sure, it's perfectly normal for a Hopeless Romantic woman like myself to invite her boyfriend over on a Saturday, and hey, I'll even buy that she Proposed to *him* the second he showed up.
Yes, that's perfectly normal for him to say yes immediately, and yes, Excitable Sims like myself can be expected to jump right into her new fiance's arms.
Yes, you're right. That's all perfectly normal. Is there a point to this haranguing?
Yes, there is! Where the heck did I pull out wedding rings from, and ask Zebulon to marry me, right there near the mail box? I Hate being Outdoors! Why wouldn't I get married inside? I guess I'm just lucky Zeb agreed right then and there!
From the same place your Uncle Chris did. Boy, I didn't realize I was so horrible... having you meet a boy who loves you, has decent traits and looks, and had you two get married as soon as possible, so you can get started on being happy. Oh, what evil did I inflict on you next?
Oh, that's right! I sent the two of you to your room to consummate your marriage!
Yes You did.... and then, You sent us back to consummate it AGAIN! What, no chimes the first time? My mom, grandmother, and aunt warned me what happens on wedding nights in this family! And what happened after that, did I and my Zebulon get to spend any quality post-coitus time together? No! You sent him off to the hospital to get a job in the Medical career!
Oh no! More deviltry on My part! Truly, I am a force of great destruction! I had your husband get a job that would get him his Lifetime Wish if he goes all the way!
Oh yes, Creator. I knew exactly what you were up to, the moment my dinner hit the toilet bowl later that night. My husband didn't even make it past Organ Donor before he had to start preparing to be a father.
I suppose I'm even more evil for making sure he spent a lot of time with you and taking care of you during your pregnancy, giving you Massages, and reading all the pregnancy books that you wanted him to read, missy.
You also made him grow his hair out, when he'd had a shaved head since he was a teenager. What was that for?
I had him Change his Appearance to find out his natural hair color, of course. Speaking of changing appearances, I will say I'm sorry that your parents' birthday came on a Monday, the one day a week your dad had to go to work until 1 AM. I'd kinda wanted to give them a birthday party.
Well, yeah, I wish they could have waiting until my dad got home, but I don't suppose that was very possible.... considering his carpool tossed him out of the car on his way home, just so he could transition on the sidewalk!
Hey, you can't pin that on Me! Some things happen that surprise and annoy even Me!
Well, okay, I'll give you that one. I'm just glad he was home when I went into labor - Mom and Zebulon were at work, and if i recall, Liz was at the gym with a dead cell phone battery.
Oh? What was she doing at the gym?
She was Training her friend Brendan Fair. I think she really likes him, but she's hasn't had much time to try to get Romantically Interested in him. She doesn't seem to mind that he's a Slob, though.
Oh? What has she been doing since graduation?
Well, she's been very busy working up her cooking skill for her job at the bistro. She Wants to be a Renaissance Sim, and master three traits, and Cooking will be the third. She's turned out to be quite a Natural Cook, though, I'll give her that.
Fascinating. Now, where were we, baby, hospital, labor, everyone working...
Yes, Dad was the only one home, so he took me to the hospital.... or rather, he came with me when I drove to the hospital. Dad drives like an old man. At least Zeb was already there, since he was working.
Boy, does this scene look familiar. What is it with you English women, driving to the hospital yourselves? Wait, I just remembered something.... let me check Zebulon's Traits. Holy frijole, he wants to be a doctor, but he's both Absent-Minded and Clumsy? I'm glad I'm not a patient in Riverview these days. This isn't going to end well.
Oh, quit pretending it wasn't Your doing! You knew exactly what his traits were when You sent him down that career path! It's all been your doing!
Well, maybe, except the part where your Aunt Latricia is his boss. That gave Me a chuckle or two.
I suspect everything that happens in our lives is by Your interference! Sometimes I think I don't ever take a shower without You clicking on the bathtub!
Well, as much as I'm enjoying our little "chat" here, it's time to wrap this up. Anything else you want say to Me?
Yes, there is!
This is Kevin Alexander English, born healthy, happy, Brave and Athletic. He loves Classical Music, and the color turquoise. He's such a beautiful baby boy, and I know he's here because You had a hand in it, so I will close by saying...
Thank you. *smooch*
do you believe?
You looking to dig my dreams
Be prepared for anything
You come into my little scene
Hooray hooray hip hip hooray
There's one thing I can guarantee:
You won't have to dig, dig too deep

Hmmm.... "The beauty of the sunset was nothing, compared to the love shining in her eyes..." Corny, but I think my readers will eat this up.
I said, Hello, Deanna!
* sigh * Well, that took longer than I thought it would. What do You want, Creator? I'm busy, here! Romance novels don't write themselves!
You should know the drill; I'm here to check up and see what the English family's been up to lately. So, what's been happening? Any exciting news to share?
Oh please, I may not be a Genius like my parents or my sister, but I still know crap when I hear it. Do you really expect me to believe that You don't know what's been going on around here? That You haven't had a hand in everything?
Hey, watch it, Deanna. You can't assume that everything in your life that happens is due to Me interfering. You're starting to sound like your mother, and you're not even Neurotic.

Yes, there is! Where the heck did I pull out wedding rings from, and ask Zebulon to marry me, right there near the mail box? I Hate being Outdoors! Why wouldn't I get married inside? I guess I'm just lucky Zeb agreed right then and there!

Yes You did.... and then, You sent us back to consummate it AGAIN! What, no chimes the first time? My mom, grandmother, and aunt warned me what happens on wedding nights in this family! And what happened after that, did I and my Zebulon get to spend any quality post-coitus time together? No! You sent him off to the hospital to get a job in the Medical career!
Oh no! More deviltry on My part! Truly, I am a force of great destruction! I had your husband get a job that would get him his Lifetime Wish if he goes all the way!

You also made him grow his hair out, when he'd had a shaved head since he was a teenager. What was that for?
I had him Change his Appearance to find out his natural hair color, of course. Speaking of changing appearances, I will say I'm sorry that your parents' birthday came on a Monday, the one day a week your dad had to go to work until 1 AM. I'd kinda wanted to give them a birthday party.

Well, okay, I'll give you that one. I'm just glad he was home when I went into labor - Mom and Zebulon were at work, and if i recall, Liz was at the gym with a dead cell phone battery.
Oh? What was she doing at the gym?

Oh? What has she been doing since graduation?
Well, she's been very busy working up her cooking skill for her job at the bistro. She Wants to be a Renaissance Sim, and master three traits, and Cooking will be the third. She's turned out to be quite a Natural Cook, though, I'll give her that.

Yes, Dad was the only one home, so he took me to the hospital.... or rather, he came with me when I drove to the hospital. Dad drives like an old man. At least Zeb was already there, since he was working.

Oh, quit pretending it wasn't Your doing! You knew exactly what his traits were when You sent him down that career path! It's all been your doing!
Well, maybe, except the part where your Aunt Latricia is his boss. That gave Me a chuckle or two.
I suspect everything that happens in our lives is by Your interference! Sometimes I think I don't ever take a shower without You clicking on the bathtub!
Well, as much as I'm enjoying our little "chat" here, it's time to wrap this up. Anything else you want say to Me?
Yes, there is!

Thank you. *smooch*
Deanna sure is turning out to be a lippy sim.
Awwww. I'm glad she's not entirely unhappy at how her life is turning out.
o.O sassy lil thang aint she? LOL
Welcome to the family Zeb.
*tickles lil Kevin* congrats on your next gen!
Heh, as long as your readers will enjoy the cornball-ness of the line, it's all good, right? *grins at Dee*
Well, maybe not -everything- but I suspect 90% of what happens in their lives is due to your manipulation or interference. *giggles*
Yeah, I can see all that happening on its own. *nods and fights back a smirk*
So... Deanna didn't want to get married to Zeb? Is that what she was getting at? *grins*
Heh, coulda been worse. You could have been stuck like poor Zadika was... poor thing had to consumate her marriage 2x a night for 3 nights running before she got knocked up! *grins*
But, you know, Shiny One, you're protesting a bit too much. You probably could have given the newlyweds a little time to enjoy themselves, you know. *nods*
Does Zeb look BAD with hair? Is that what she's going on about? Or maybe she just likes the smooth head when he's down... uh, nevermind, I won't go there. *smirks*
Aww, happy birthday mom and dad! *throws confetti* And OMG, I -HATE- that they do that, when your Sim transitions on their way home from work! *growls* At least let the poor bugger get HOME before he transitions, instead of kicking him out on the street. *mutters*
Hmm, Brendan doesn't look too sure about this exercise thing, ya know. *grins*
Heh, pretty bold of you, Dee, to be driving a car while you're in labor.
Yikes, yeah, those aren't such good traits for a doctor! *shivers*
Welcome Kevin! *cheers* And that was a really sweet way for her to end things. *beams*
Hmm, my verification word was theendis.... The end is what? Near? Far? Happy? Sad? What is Blogger trying to tell me?!?
Wow ... here I thought she was going to tear you a new one at the end of her tirade ... and she THANKS you. DAAAAAAAW!! :O))
So what's Deanna's LT wish? To be making $$ writing books? Thank God Romance novels DON'T write themselves, or we'd all be up to our eyeballs in wenches & Men in Tights! XDD
hehehe - something tells me that you're not going to be able to fool this sim much. Not that she's complaining about the end results tho! Woot! Welcom Zeb!
omg - Organ Donor is really a JOB??
:DD thats so bad!~
Welcome to the world of Senior discounts on Wednesday, mom & dad! boy, things sure progress quickly - seems like just yesterday that Liz & Deanna came home from the hospital themselves. Lol - I love that the women drive to the hospital themselves. In labor. Even when there's someone else that could be driving....
*shakes her head*
Welcome little Keving! *waves*
ohno... Turquoise??? :O
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